You want to get your water meter checked


According to the bill you received, you consumed three times more water than normal. Having detected no leak, you can only see one explanation: the meter is malfunctioning. It is up to you to request verification.


The company will invoice you for the costs, which will be reimbursed to you if the check reveals an anomaly. Otherwise, these costs will remain your responsibility. This cost varies greatly from one municipality to another, it can range from around thirty euros to over a hundred euros.


If the verification confirms that your meter is functioning normally, you will still have a defense, because, for the courts, the meter records are only deemed to be proof.


If you provide serious evidence to cast doubt on this evidence, the judge may take it into account, but you will have to demonstrate the improbability of this consumption and establish that no water leak is the cause of the overconsumption. To find out more, download the practical sheet "Water leaks after meter and abnormal consumption" J 265




The water bill that I have just received shows that I would have consumed (…) m3 of water, whereas my consumption is normally of the order of (…) m3 for the same period.


I therefore ask you to have my water meter checked for proper operation.


Pending a meeting, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 72


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