You were shocked by an advertisement and you wish to address a complaint to the advertising ethics jury


Advertising must not be misleading, but, beyond this legal obligation, professionals have adopted ethical rules. Thus, advertising must not shock or offend, and it must not encourage the reproduction of behavior that is harmful or prejudicial to society (non-respect for human dignity, misuse of the ecological argument, for example).


If you believe that an advertisement does not comply with these principles, you can submit a complaint to the advertising ethics jury. After investigation, the jury will make a decision noting the breach or not of the ethical rules and, if necessary, may ask the Professional Advertising Regulatory Authority (ARPP) to order the advertiser to withdraw his advertising. The decisions and sanctions are published online on the jury's website: The complaint can also be made on this site.


Advertising ethics jury


ARPP 23, rue Auguste-Vacquerie • 75116 Paris




My attention was drawn to the advertisement of (indicate the nature of the product or service and its brand).


This message was published in (indicate the name of the newspaper, its date and the page) or diffused on (indicate the radio or television channel, the day and the hour) or posted (indicate the place: métro, Bus shelters …).


(Describe as precisely as possible the advertisement you are having difficulty with so that it can be identified.


Then explain clearly, and very concretely, what you are having trouble with in this ad.)


Thank you in advance for the attention given to my complaint, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 71


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