You want to convene a general meeting because the trustee has not fulfilled his obligations in this area


The trustee is required to convene a general meeting at least once a year. If the trustee fails to fulfill this obligation, the union council or one (or more) co-owner (s) representing at least a quarter of the votes of all the co-owners may request the convening of the general meeting of co-owners.


If the trustee does not comply within eight days, the president of the union council may validly convene the meeting. If the president does not take the necessary steps, if there is no union council or if the members of the union council have not been appointed, any co-owner can then cause the said convocation by contacting the president of the high court. body ruling on summary proceedings.


The summons must be preceded, under penalty of inadmissibility, by the formal notice of the trustee, which has remained unsuccessful for more than eight days and, where applicable, of the president of the union council.


Registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the trustee




The co-owners of the building located (address), signatories below and whose list is attached hereto, bringing together (number of directors' fees), have the honor to ask you, in application of article 8, paragraph 1 , of Decree No. 67-223 of March 17, 1967, the convening of a general meeting.


They request the inclusion of the following questions on the agenda of this general assembly:


- (state your questions).


While thanking you for taking the necessary steps, we ask you to accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of our best regards.




Attachment: list including the names of the co-owners, their directors' fees and their signatures. 120


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