You ask for the payment of the improvement work voted in the general meeting to be phased in


The general meeting of co-owners, ruling by the double majority provided for in article 26, may decide on any improvement, provided that it conforms to the destination of the building, such as the transformation of one or more elements. existing equipment, the addition of new elements, the development or creation of premises assigned to common use. It then sets, by the same majority, the distribution of the cost of the work.


If you have not given your consent to the decision taken, article 33 of law n ° 65-557 of July 10, 1965 authorizes you to request the spread of the part of the cost of this work charged to you. This possibility concerns you if you abstained during the vote, if you voted against or if you were absent and not represented and you contested the minutes within two months of their being notification by the trustee.


In addition, if the co-ownership does not take out a loan to finance this work, you will only be liable for interest at the legal rate in civil matters.


Registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the trustee




Co-owner of the building located (place), I follow up the general meeting of co-owners held on (date).


It was then voted (carrying out improvement works, such as installing an elevator), a decision which I opposed.


I inform you that I intend to pay this sum in ten annual installments, in accordance with the possibility given by article 33 of the law of July 10, 1965.


Pending the deadline that you will establish for me, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 119

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