تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي
كتابة انشاء عبارات حكم اقوال تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز سها بسيط قطعة معلومات بسطية نبذة عن قطر بالانجليزي
paragraph about qatar
موضوع عن قطر بالانجليزي قصير
information about qatar
دولة قطر تعبير عن دولة قطر

Qatar as the whole of the Persian region is religion Sunni majority Islam and is religiously allied with other countries in the region. Qatar ranks third among countries with the highest GDP per capita. This can be explained by these highly hydrocarbon reserves, which allow this country to export massively to all corners of the world. However, the geographical position of Qatar raises a double problem, on one side concerning the aridity of its lands and on the other hand the tensions that exist within the Arabian peninsula. These issues explain the need to create numerous alliances with neighboring countries as well as internationally. In addition, Qatar is making numerous investments to limit its dependence on other countries and aims to be a leader in certain innovations to enable it to stabilize its growth in the long term. As a result of its alliances Qatar is under an obligation to modernize its national organizational structure.

Qatar has been inhabited by people for millennia, the country has seen the basin of civilization grow, was a great ally of Babylon during his hegemony before going through a period of foreign invasion. First of all, Portugal, which previously had the most powerful fleet in the world. Manuel I, who wanted to seize the spice route, invaded the entire east coast. However the Portuguese influence will last only a time, quickly dethroned by the strong Ottoman Empire which does not stop widening its borders. In the eighteenth century, the empire weakened and an important family made its appearance on the territory: the Al Thani family. During this period, on the one hand the British Empire enters the territory of Qatar wanting to secure the Indian route, on the other hand Bahrain, under the Al Khalifa dynasty, wants to annex Qatar. The English push the Al Thani family to govern the country, followed by many conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the Qatari power. In 1916, Qatar officially became an English protectorate, which leaves a fictitious but protective autonomy to the country. The wave of decolonization began in the 1960s with rising oil revenues. In 1971 Qatar became independent and at its head a member of the Al Thani family who holds full power. As a result, the country becomes an absolute constitutional hereditary monarchy. After the independence of Qatar in 1971, the number of inhabitants was estimated at about 122,000 mainly indigenous people and among this many people from Bedouin tribes. From now on the country shelters more than 2 000 000 inhabitants. Historically, English is often spoken and understood by the people of Qatar, but Arabic is the official language of the country. The official currency is the Qatar Riyal. Concerning the official flag of the country, it was adopted in 1949 and was at the red base like many flags of the Arabian Peninsula. Nevertheless Qatar has decided to add white in order to signify peace. In time the color darkened to represent the blood lost during the war of Al Zubarah and turned into a purple brown. Indeed, many Qataris died when the Ottoman Empire in 1872 took control of this area. The nine points of the flag represent the 7 Gulf Emirate, Bahrain and Qatar. The country's HDI has been growing steadily since the 1980s, with a peak of 0.851 in 2013, making it the world's 31st largest country and the leading Arab country with the best human development index.

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