تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي  كتابة انشاء عبارات حكم اقوال تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز سهل بسيط قطعة معلومات بسيطة مبسط نبذة عن الاقتصاد السكان تعبير عن بلادي اسم كلمة معنى كيف تكتب مترجم رحلة 
information about    presentation معلومات عن جمهورية دولة حول  تكاليف المعيشه السياحة في  للطلاب عرض ملخص مختصر حول الحياة والعادات والتقاليد فى  لمحة تعريفية بالانجلش تلخيص قصير تحدث  تقرير انجليزي عن اي دوله معلومات
معلومات عن ميانمار بالانجليزي الاقلية المسلمة في ميانمار ميانمار اين تقع سياحة عدد سكان بورما يانغون ميانمار اراكان اين تقع بورما في اي دوله جمهورية اتحاد ميانمار  تعرف أيضاً باسمبورما  دولة تقع في قارة آسيا الروهينجا 

Form of State: Federal Republic. Authoritarian government. President: Thein Sein Official Language: Burmese

Official name: Republic of the Union of Myanmar (since 2010). Some countries like France or other Anglo-Saxon countries do not recognize the use of the name "Myanmar", and continue to call the country Burma (Burma in English).

Ethnics: Burma has a very large number of ethnic groups (the state officially lists 135 ethnic groups). The main ones are:

The country also has 150,000 Chinese and 800,000 Indians.
Currency: Kyat ($ 1 = 970 Kyat)
HDI (2012): 0.498 (132nd)
The population is 64.9 million with a natural growth rate of 1.07% per year. The distribution of the population by age group is as follows: The life expectancy at birth is 65.24 years and the birth rate is 2.23 children per woman. This figure, in comparison with those of Cambodia (2.98) or Laos (3.06), which have comparable levels of development, is relatively low. One third of the Burmese belong to ethnic minorities, with different cultures and languages. These differences and heterogeneity within the country have given rise to serious interethnic tensions for many years. The main religions are Buddhism (89%), Christianity (6%), Islam (4%) and animism (1%).
economic and financial:
GDP per capita (2012/2013): 900 USD
2012 growth rate; + 6.25%
2012-2013 inflation rate: 6%
Budget balance: -3.5% of GDP (2009)
Trade balance: -0.3 billion USD (2011)
Current balance (as a% of GDP in 2012): -1.9%
External debt: USD 10.33 billion (2013)
Considered a prosperous country in the 1960s, Burma has become the least developed economy in the region that has suffered from the military junta's economic decisions and decades of international isolation. The agriculture sector is the heart of the economy and just under des of the population lives in rural areas. The new government has made decisions to open and stabilize the economy, such as the liberalization of Kyat, the creation of special economic zones, and the privatization of certain sectors. However, these measures "only partially reduce the complexity and unpredictability of international business and transactions in Burma," according to a study by Ubifrance. According to a study by the French Public Treasury, reforms in the banking system, including the Central Bank Burma are to make the reform of floating exchange rate of Kyat effective and sustainable. The state also lacks structural investments and still devotes a lot of resources to the military at the expense of health and education.
However, this country has considerable assets such as a great wealth of raw materials (oil, gas, coal ...), cheap labor and strong regional integration. Indeed, Burma has been part of ASEAN for more than 15 years (which it will take over next year) and has close economic ties with China.
Geographical and environmental:
Forests with teak, expensive timber exported to third countries, are threatened by over-exploitation. The Burmese authorities seem to have been interested for a little over a year in the ecological issue but everything remains to be done in terms of respect for the environment. In addition, coal being the main source of electricity for the country, the environment could deteriorate further if nothing is done and if economic growth continues.
The seismic risk in Burma is quite high, due to the country's location astride the Eurasian and Indo-Australian tectonic plates. An earthquake of magnitude 6.8 has caused the death of thirty people and caused a lot of material damage in November 2012.
Burma is a malarious country (malaria is present). Even though large cities are relatively unaffected by the disease, the risk of contamination becomes significant in the north, west and east in rural areas. Other major health risks are diarrhea (Salmonellosis) and very frequent respiratory infections.
General conclusion :
The situation in the country is evolving, it is difficult to see long-term policy Burma, but the changes are many. Due to the current mutation of the Burmese society, its domestic politics, its gradual opening and the fragility of these changes, no certainty is allowed. However, signs that translate into some democratic and economic progress as well as diplomatic warming with the EU and the US can lead to hope for a better future. COFACE assesses "D" the country risk for Burma, which remains very bad and which surely reflects the problems still unresolved cited in this country fact sheet.
Corruption, the overrepresentation of the army within the various powers, ethnic conflicts and the lack of infrastructure are still major problems that prevent Burma from being a stable and secure country to receive investment. Despite this, there has been a rush of businesses in Yangon for a little less than two years now, who anticipate and enjoy the opening of the country, which is a real El Dorado for many: Starbuck's Coffee has recently announced its intention to open a establishment.
The opening this year of a Ubifrance office in the economic capital shows the potential that Burma has for companies wishing to invest. Burma therefore remains a country where investment is very risky but where opportunities can be huge in certain sectors (tourism, services, communication, etc.).

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