تعبير بالانجليزي عن مدينة جنين
معنى جنين بالانجليزي
جنين فلسطين
مجزرة جنين
جنين في بطن امه
اين تقع مدينة جنين في فلسطين
تعبير باللغه الانجليزيه عن السياحة في فلسطين -
اهم المواقع الاثرية والسياحية في محافظة جنين
معنى جنين بالانجليزي
ما معنى fetus
اسم جنين بالانجليزي
معنى اسم مدينة جنين
تعريف الجنين علميا
جنين القمح للجنس
تعريف الجنين لغة واصطلاحا
معنى كلمة embr
single viable fetus معنى

Jenin is a city and capital of the Jenin governorate in the West Bank and a major Palestinian agricultural market. The name of Jenin also refers to the district to which the city belongs as a whole, and the Jenin refugee camp. The city had 39,004 inhabitants in 2007 and the refugee camp counted 10,371. The agglomeration (ie the district) had a population of 256,619 in 2007.
This city, which was under the administration of the Palestinian Authority since the implementation of the Oslo Accords, was again under Israeli authority during the military operation "Rampart" carried out in 2002.
A Palestinian refugee camp is located in Jenin following the Arab-Israeli war of 1948. This camp is mentioned in the Susan Abulhawa novel, The Scar of David, published in 2006 (and in 2008, in French under title: The Matins of Jenin).

Israeli incursion into Jenin in 2002

The assault on the Jenin refugee camp, considered by the Israelis as a nursery of suicide bombers (known as the suicide bomber press), lasted from 3 to 19 April 2002, operation. Israel's objective in this operation was to search for members of terrorist organizations after the March 27, 2002 attack at the Park Hotel in Netanya. The Israel Defense Forces have faced strong Palestinian resistance. Part of the camp was bulldozed.

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