You wish to know the information concerning you appearing in certain files


Your name and address, and other information of all kinds, appear in a large number of files at merchants and distance selling companies. The amended law of 6 January 1978 - known as the Data Protection Act - provides for a right of access (article 39), rectification (article 40) and opposition (article 38, paragraph 2). The right of access allows you to ask the holding body to consult its file to find out the information that concerns you and have it corrected if necessary. You can also request the deletion of the data contained in the commercial files (article 38, paragraph 1).


To have access to the files, you will have to provide an identity document and, if you wish to obtain a copy of the information concerning you, a financial consideration may be requested. This must be limited to the costs occasioned by the reproduction.




I would be grateful if you, in accordance with the amended law n ° 78-17, of January 6, 1978,


(1st case) communicate me the information concerning me and appearing in the files that you manage (or indicate to me if your files contain information concerning me) and send me a copy in clear language of all this information.


(2nd case) rectify or delete inaccurate information concerning me which appears in your file (specify what you want to see rectified or deleted).


(3rd case) delete my data (specify them) contained in your files (if applicable) as well as those held by your subsidiaries or partners, and keep me informed.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.




Attachment: photocopy of an identity document. 86


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