You file a complaint with the public prosecutor following an offense of which you have been a victim


If you are the victim of an offense, that is to say of an action or an omission defined by the criminal law and punishable by penalties fixed by it, you can file a complaint. For example, you have been robbed or swindled, you are the victim of a deception committed by a professional on the origin of a product or on the qualities of a service. You can file a complaint to see the offender convicted and request compensation by becoming a civil party.


The complaint can be addressed to the public prosecutor of the tribunal de grande instance of the place of the offense or the domicile of the offender if you know him, or be lodged at the police station or the gendarmerie, if possible closest to the place of the offense. Do not forget to attach all the supporting documents: contract, various invoices (repairs, etc.), reports in the event of material damage, etc.


Madam, Mr. Prosecutor of the Republic,


I have the honor to draw your attention to the following facts (set out here the facts observed with as much detail as possible, as well as the place and date on which they occurred, specify if there are any witnesses).


Consequently, I file a complaint against (identity of the natural person or of the representative of the legal person, alleged perpetrator) living at (address) (or) against X (if you do not know the perpetrator or if you have a uncertainty) for (indicate offense if you know it) and any other qualifications that might be helpful.


Thanking you for informing me of the follow-up you will give to this case, please accept, Madam, Mr Public Prosecutor, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 106


If you are the victim of an offense, that is to say of an action or an omission defined by the criminal law and punishable by penalties fixed by it, you can file a complaint. For example, you have been robbed or swindled, you are the victim of a deception committed by a professional on the origin of a product or on the qualities of a service. You can file a complaint to see the offender convicted and request compensation by becoming a civil party.


The complaint can be addressed to the public prosecutor of the tribunal de grande instance of the place of the offense or the domicile of the offender if you know him, or be lodged at the police station or the gendarmerie, if possible closest to the place of the offense. Do not forget to attach all the supporting documents: contract, various invoices (repairs, etc.), reports in the event of material damage, etc.


Madam, Mr. Prosecutor of the Republic,


I have the honor to draw your attention to the following facts (set out here the facts observed with as much detail as possible, as well as the place and date on which they occurred, specify if there are any witnesses).


Consequently, I file a complaint against (identity of the natural person or of the representative of the legal person, alleged perpetrator) living at (address) (or) against X (if you do not know the perpetrator or if you have a uncertainty) for (indicate offense if you know it) and any other qualifications that might be helpful.


Thanking you for informing me of the follow-up you will give to this case, please accept, Madam, Mr Public Prosecutor, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 106


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