You contact the Commission for Access to Administrative Documents to have a file communicated
You wish to have communication of an administrative document such as a file, a report, a study, a report, statistics ... It is your right and, if the Administration refuses to communicate it to you - or if it does not not answer, which after a month is the same - you will contact the Commission for Access to Administrative Documents (Cada) by mail or fax (01 42 75 80 70). If the latter gives a favorable opinion on your request, it will forward it directly to the administration concerned.
You must necessarily apply to the Cada before considering recourse to the courts. You have two months to act from the express or tacit refusal of the Administration. After this period, you will have to start the procedure again by requesting again the document you wish to communicate.
Commission for access to administrative documents
35, rue Saint-Dominique • 75700 Paris 07 SP
Mister President,
Please find attached a copy of the request that I sent to (name of the administration concerned), on (date), to obtain the communication of a document of a general nature (or of a direct concern to me: specify the document references).
This communication was refused for the following reasons (specify).
I consider, on the contrary, that my approach falls within the framework of the law of July 17, 1978 "on various measures to improve relations between the Administration and the public". This is why I ask you to kindly intervene with this administration so that my request is granted.
While thanking you for the follow-up that you will give to my request, I ask you to accept, Mr. President, the expression of my best regards.
(Signature) 105
إرسال تعليق