You contact the banking mediator to settle a dispute with your bank


You currently have a dispute with your bank that you cannot resolve. You can send a letter, preferably by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, to your bank's mediator, if it has appointed one, or to the mediator at the French Banking Federation.


For the contact details of your bank's mediator, refer to your statement or account agreement. Address your mail to the address indicated in them. Clearly summarize the facts of your dispute as well as the steps already taken, and attach photocopies of the supporting documents.


Please note: before entering the mediator, you must take steps with your bank, then with its customer relations department.


If the mediator does not respond to you within two months of referral, or if the proposed solution does not suit you, you can refer the matter to the competent court.




For (…) years, I have been a client of the bank (name of the bank) and I have a deposit account no (…) at the agency (name and address of the agency).


I am currently in dispute with my bank. Indeed, on (date), (briefly explain your problem and recall the steps you have already taken).


Since then, I have sent my bank branch several letters, copies of which I am enclosing. I also met with the agency manager, but no amicable agreement could be found.


Consequently, I ask for your help and ask you to intervene with (name of the bank) so that this file evolves quickly.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 64

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