The item delivered to you does not match the one you ordered
You have ordered an item, and the seller delivers a similar item to you, but with a noticeable difference from your order. If you notice the non-conformity at the time of delivery, reject it outright, stating the reason on the delivery note. If you do not discover the problem until later, write to the seller as soon as possible, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, to deliver the item actually ordered.
The seller must deliver an item to you which is identical to the one you ordered from him (article 1604 of the Civil Code). It is essential to have everything that is important (model, etc.) noted on the order form.
Also, ask the salesperson to write down everything they have promised you orally on the order form. Once the order has been placed, the order form will be used to assess whether the delivery is compliant or not.
Signing the delivery slip is an important formality. Do not sign without having checked the contents of the packages: the delivery person must give you time to do so.
recommended letter with receipt note
One of your deliverers has just delivered to me (indicate the nature of the goods), ordered from your store on (date and reference of the order form).
This merchandise does not correspond at all to what I ordered.
Indeed, (explain how the goods do not conform to what was ordered).
(1st case: if you refused the goods on delivery.)
I give you notice to deliver to me as quickly as possible merchandise corresponding in every way to my order, in accordance with article 1604 of the Civil Code.
(2nd case: if you noticed the non-conformity later.)
I give you notice to come and take back this merchandise and deliver to me as quickly as possible merchandise corresponding in every way to my order, in accordance with article 1604 of the Civil Code.
Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.
(Signature) 99
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