The furniture we deliver to you is not in solid wood, but in veneer


You ordered a piece of furniture in solid oak, but the one delivered to you is in oak veneer. You are therefore mistaken about the substantial quality of this property. You can, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, give notice to the seller to deliver goods to you in accordance with your order (article 1604 of the Civil Code) or ask him to cancel the sale and refund the amount you have received. paid on order.


The fact of selling a good by announcing a false gasoline constitutes a deception on the substantial qualities of the goods repressed by the article L. 213-1 of the Code of the consumption on the frauds and falsifications as regards products or services. Such facts can be reported to the agents of a departmental directorate for the protection of populations (DDPP or DDCSPP) of the department in which the store is located.


In addition, your order form must mention, among other things, the main materials or species composing the goods, as well as their process of implementation and the nature of the finish (decree of March 14, 1986).


recommended letter with receipt note




On (date of your order), I placed an order in your store for a piece of furniture (indicate the piece of furniture ordered) in (specify its main materials or species: oak, cherry…) solid. However, I see that the piece of furniture that was delivered to me on (indicate the delivery date) is in fact in oak veneer.


I therefore put you on notice:


(1st case) to deliver to me as soon as possible the solid wood furniture that I ordered from you.


(2nd case) to reimburse me in full the amount I paid you and to consider that the order is canceled.


In addition, I would like to point out to you that such acts are punishable by criminal penalties for deceiving the substantial qualities of the goods, an offense punishable by article L. 213-1 of the Consumer Code.


Counting on your diligence, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 100


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