Some items have been stolen from you during your stay in a hotel


During a stay in a hotel, objects belonging to you disappear or are damaged. The hotelier is presumed responsible. This means that you do not have to prove why he is at fault, that he must reimburse you for the value of your items up to a maximum of one hundred times the price of the night (articles 1952 and following of the Civil Code). But, if he is at fault, his liability is unlimited. This will be the case, for example, if he left the hotel unattended or if the room lock was defective. Start by sending him a registered letter.


A hotelier can only refuse to compensate you in the event of force majeure or if the deterioration is due to your fault. That said, it is in your interest to hand over your valuables to reception upon arrival by requesting a receipt. In the event of theft or damage to the items deposited, his liability is unlimited, and no longer limited to one hundred times the price of the room.


Registered letter




During the month of (…), I spent two days in your hotel, and a suitcase containing my personal effects was stolen (or damaged), while it was stored on a piece of furniture in room no (…) , which I occupied. This theft (or damage) took place during the day of (date), probably between (…) hours and (…) hours.


I remind you that, according to the terms of article 1952 of the Civil Code, your hotelier responsibility is fully engaged. So I see no reason for the refusal you gave me over the phone a few days ago.


I therefore put you on formal notice to compensate me for this suitcase and its contents, details of which you will find attached.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 157

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