Home repair. You dispute the lack of quotation from a recovery company


If you call on a repair company, they must give you a detailed estimate of the work when the estimated amount of the intervention is greater than 150 euros all taxes included, or whatever the amount if you request it. You must accept this estimate before the craftsman starts to work (decree of March 2, 1990, article 3, modified by the decree of July 30, 1999).


In all cases, the estimate drawn up in duplicate must include the handwritten, dated and signed indication of the consumer: "Estimate received before the execution of the work". The service provider keeps the duplicate of the estimate. If this has not been the case, remind him of this failure to meet his obligations, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, and ask him to reduce the invoice if you consider it excessive.




During the repair of (date) carried out by your company, I was not presented with an estimate, whereas the order of March 2, 1990, amended by the order of July 30, 1999, very expressly provides that, for work for which the estimate exceeds 150 euros, this estimate is mandatory.


Consequently, I ask you to review the amount of your invoice, which seems to me clearly exaggerated considering the work which I had asked you to carry out.


I remind you that my troubleshooting consisted of (state the work requested), and that you carried out the following work (specify) without my having had the opportunity to comment, as provided for in Article 3 of the aforementioned decree .


Counting on your diligence, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 80


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