HLM tenant, you inform your landlord that you are going to sublet a room in your home


You are an HLM tenant and you intend to sublet one or more rooms in your home. You are entitled to this, but only if the sub-tenant is under 30 or over 60, or disabled. In the first case, you will have to enter into a renewable one-year contract; in the other two cases, a home reception contract. You are not required to seek the agreement of the owner or management organization, but only to inform it in advance of this project (Articles L. 442-8-1 and L. 442-8-2 of the Construction and Housing Code).


Subletting is a way to keep your home if you no longer comply with the social housing occupancy rules, your apartment having become too big for you, following the departure of your children, for example.




I hereby inform you of my intention to sublet a room in my apartment.


(1st hypothesis)


I would like to point out that my future sub-tenant, Mr./Mrs (first and last name), is under 30 years old. You will find attached a photocopy of his identity card.


(2nd hypothesis)


I would like to point out to you that my future sub-tenant, Mr./Mrs. (First and last name), is over 60 years old (or disabled adult) and that we are going to conclude a contract foster care in accordance with Article L. 442-1 of the Code of Social Action and Families.


(In both cases)


This room measuring (…) square meters, I will set the monthly rent at (…) euros, and the charges at (…) euros, which corresponds to the price per square meter of living space of the rent and charges of my own lodging.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 142


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