effects of wasting time





dangers of wasting time

consequences of wasting time in student life

disadvantages of wasting time

how to stop wasting time

time-wasting habits

waste time

how to stop wasting time on phone

what is the importance of time in a students life







New technologies and their impact on time management


Nowadays, we have technological tools to manage our time better and even save time: e-mails are faster than letters or trips between the different departments; conf calls (conference calls) are replacing meetings and travel; the calendars are managed in a shared way between computers and mobile phones, the latter making accessible, at any time and in (almost) any place, the messages whether they are texts or e-mails, and even store the attachments.


But these technical innovations also have pitfalls: you have noticed that being interrupted during a task wastes us time and energy. If you need to focus on a task, turn off your audio and visual email alerts so you don't be tempted to respond right away. Let your environment know that you are unavailable during the period (specifying the duration) except in an absolute emergency. A mobile phone in silent or switched off mode has a voicemail: you will call back when your important task is finished. And, unless you are an emergency doctor or firefighter, true absolute emergencies are ultimately quite rare in a company.


The shared agenda is very useful, but remember to also note on it the periods when you have to work your files in peace, otherwise the colleagues or managers wishing to meet you could pass by at that time, knowing you in your premises. And above all, remember to set aside an hour for nothing every day that will allow you to manage the unforeseen (by coding it to avoid the unexpected visits mentioned above).


Why is this important?


limit stress, prevent burnout;


limit the frustration of not being able to do everything;


preserves energy;


promotes efficiency and the achievement of objectives;


gives a more professional image;


promotes concentration.


Why is it important to do it for the department, the company, colleagues, etc. ?


avoids creating pressure outside periods of overload;


helps to calm the work climate;


advances files and projects;


shows the seriousness of the company, its professionalization to customers and partners;


limits tensions and conflicts.


Why is this important to you and your employee?


promotes effective exchanges;


promotes the fluidity of the relationship and mutual trust;


strengthens the self-confidence of the employee (who knows when he can or cannot interrupt his N + 1).


What would be the repercussions if they did not know how to do it?


waste of time and energy;




non-completion of projects (loss of turnover, image);


conflicts, crises;




Examples of recent problems:


Christine is HR Director for a large group. It launched a new training course on gender diversity and equality in the company, a topic which was entrusted to it as being strategic within the framework of the group's CSR (social and environmental responsibility) project and which, moreover, passionate.


She carefully selected the speaker with whom she prepared the program and she planned to attend the three-day pilot session (two plus one after experimentation).


The first day is a treat for her, although she completely forgot to prepare the timecards in the morning: she is overworked at the moment.


The next day, around 10 am, she received a call from the college where her 13-year-old son was educated: he was not feeling well and would like to go home; but he lost his keys. Christine leaves, specifying that she will try to come back in the afternoon. She will be back at 5 p.m. for the group's feedback on the first two days. In the meantime, she is caught up in the management who asks her for the recall of an urgent file.


On the third day, when the trainer comes to his office, a little before the start of the training day, Christine apologizes for not being able to attend it because she is requested for a strategic meeting at CODIR; it has just been announced to him. In the evening, she comes back for the feedback, blowing that this meeting was boring and that her presence was only useful for twenty minutes over the entire half-day. She took advantage of the afternoon to complete some of her late files.


Some advice




Do not set time management goals

Allow others, whoever, to invade us

Don't make a day or week plan

Abandon what is planned and postpone it to deal with the most urgent

Accept "urgent" missions without deadlines

Do not estimate the time needed for each task

Do not delegate

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