PHYSICAL CONDITION                 




Physical condition is a level of physical qualities which makes it possible to carry out a physical activity or a sport in the best possible conditions, ie at the best cost efficiency.




Having a good physical condition is possible:


- By having regular physical activity, adapted to their physical and technical capacities


- By paying the greatest attention to recovery after training or competition.


- By having a healthy life, that is to say a healthy lifestyle compatible with the practice of a sport.


Fitness is not related to your level of performance and is not only the responsibility of champions.


You can be in good physical condition while having an average level in a sport: on the other hand if you are in good physical condition you will achieve a performance, you will improve your personal best. If you are not in good condition ph ysical results will not p a s to go and risk of injury are heavy.


This is true for any sport and for any level of sport.



Excessive training is a leading cause of injury.

" If you don't train enough you might not finish but if you train too much you might not start "



To quickly assess the physical condition of an athlete, we have a few quick tests


1. BODY MASS INDEX                      

The body mass index ( BMI , in English Body Mass Index , BMI ) is a quantity which makes it possible to estimate the corpulence of a person. It was invented by Adolphe Quetelet , Belgian scientist who founded modern statistics - this index is also called the Quetelet index .

This index is calculated based on size and mass

\ mathrm {IMC} = \ frac {\ mathrm {mass}} {\ mathrm {size} ^ 2}

Interpretation of BMI

BMI (kg m −2 )


less than 16.5

undernutrition or famine

16.5 to 18.5


18.5 to 25

normal build

25 to 30


30 to 35

moderate obesity

35 to 40

severe obesity

over 40

morbid or massive obesity

This table allows you to locate you quickly….

C: \ Users \ USER \ Documents \ FéMA-2015 \ formation msi \ imc.png





2. TWO SIMPLE TESTS                      

Here are two simple tests to perform to estimate this aptitude for sports practice so as not to make any mistakes in the conduct of a sports session :

A) RUFFIER-DICKSON                      

To have a global evaluation of the aptitude for sport , one can use the test of Ruffier-Dickson (30 flexions on the lower limbs) which makes it possible to judge roughly the aptitude for the efforts.

The Ruffier test is often used in general medicine and sports medicine to quickly assess a patient's general physical condition.

After lying down for about 5 minutes in a calm environment:

                                Take your pulse (P1)

                                Perform 30 full leg bends, arms straight and feet flat on the ground, in 45 seconds and at a steady pace. It should be noted that a frequency of too fast or too slow ascents and descents would modify the final value of the test. Take his pulse right after (P2)

                                Lie down and regain your pulse 1 minute after the end of the exercise (P3)

Ruffier index = (P1 + P2 + P3) - 200/10

Dickson index = ((P2-70) + 2 (P3-P1)) / 10

The DICKSON index is much more reliable than the RUFFIER index because if a subject is a little too emotional, he may have a resting heart rate (P1) too fast, his index will be a little truncated from the start and his score will be unfavorable.

This index allows to understand at least 2 concepts:

Athletes having a good training have a resting heart rate which slows down over the months which is a guarantee of longevity

People who spontaneously have a low heart rate are at an advantage and have a better ability to exercise .





Index <0 = very good adaptation to effort

0 <index <5 = good adaptation to effort

5 <index <10 = adaptation to average effort

10 <index <15 = insufficient adaptation to effort

15 <index = poor adaptation to the effort - ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT NECESSARY



Index <0 = excellent

0 to 2 = very good

2 to 4 = good

4 to 6 = medium

6 to 8 = weak

8 to 10 = very low

10 <index = poor adaptation



B) LIGHT TEST                     

The Leger test (other names: test shuttle , shuttle run , beep test , test Léger shuttle ) is a test running for assessing physical fitness aerobic of a subject, in particular its maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2 max) and its maximum aerobic speed (vVO 2 max) ].


[To see if these concepts (aerobic, VO²max) have been developed in another part of the training]


It consists of making round trips until exhaustion between two lines spaced 20 meters apart at an increasing rate of 0.5 km / h in one-minute steps. It is often used because of the ease of implementation, especially in a school environment in a gymnasium, and the similarity to team sports with many stops and starts.





The VO2 Max is the amount of oxygen the body is able to bring to the muscles and their cells that are trying to achieve an effort.

It is a major component of physical fitness.

 It is measured in milliliters per minute.

The VO2Max is evaluated during a test which consists in producing an effort on a bicycle designed for this purpose.

It is possible to use simpler means such as :

- Walk a precise distance and measure your heart rate

- Run for a specific duration and measure the distance traveled

The results are expressed in milliliters relative to the weight of the individual and the time taken to perform the effort.

Certain sports require significant cardio respiratory capacities: cross-country skiing, rowing, cycling and the marathon are the main ones.

These are so-called endurance sports which take a long time to practice and which involve large amounts of muscle.

- heredity : genetics would have a role on VO2 Max

- age : it is between 10 and 30 years that the VO2 Max is at its highest level. Then it drops by 8 to 10% every ten years.

- sex : it is weaker in women

- physical activity : the intensity and frequency of physical activity greatly influence the VO2 Max which can drop by 25% when one is at rest for 1 month.


There are many ways to improve your physical condition


The physical qualities that can potentially be improved through training are conventionally six in number :

- Force : the capacity we have to move a mass. It can be coupled with speed.

- Flexibility : amplitude of the movement that a joint can achieve.

- Speed : ability to move in a minimum of time

- Resistance : ability to perform very important muscular work for a short period of time.

- Endurance : possibility of performing continuous effort over a long period of time

- Coordination : ability to chain movements to achieve a precise gesture.



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