
Weight, height, body mass index (which assesses possible obesity), lean mass.


Physiological examination It assesses muscle strength ( isokinetic apparatus ), the body's oxygen consumption during exercise (VO2 max, aerobic speed or power). Note that physiological tests (muscle strength, VO2 max, lactates) will only be done at the request of the subject, the trainer or the attending physician because these are long and expensive tests. We then enter the medical follow-up but we are beyond the simple aptitude visit.


The hygieno-dietetic profile It allows to evaluate the eating habits, but also the lifestyle (hygiene of life, time of sleep , taking of alcohol or narcotic substances, smoking).

Psychological examination In general, it is done by a psychologist at the request of a doctor. It allows to assess the personality and the reaction to stress.

Biological examination (blood test, urine analysis).

But this complete medical examination will only give rise to the medical certificate of aptitude with a single ticked box preceding the classic and laconic “ Suitable for sports practice ”…. It is therefore essential to know the exact condition of the people for whom you are 'responsible'. 




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