تعبير  معلومات تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز عن
تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز عن. عندي بحث بالانجليزي


Cuisine, Gastronomy and Beverages Iran


Iranian cuisine


In general, we do not eat very well in Iran ... The vast majority of restaurants are rustic fast-food, the other few are restaurants with decor certainly more pleasant but offering a choice ... almost identical to fast-food. Food.


The favorite dish is kebab, with rice (often bland) and half a grilled tomato.


On the other hand, the superb stalls of vegetables offer to imagine a kitchen of the most varied and tasty, so be invited!


In Iran as in France, meals are an important ritual in families. We will not fail to make sure you have eaten well or tasted the specialties.


As in many Asian countries, rice (chelo) is the basis of food. Its cooking is art, we form at the bottom of the pan a small crust called Tadig. Most of the time, it will be flavored with saffron, but may also be decorated with berries (zeresht polo), beans and dill (baghali polo).


To eat on the go, we recommend the kubide-kebab, a kebab of meat with rice, or Judge kebab, chicken skewer marinated with lemon and saffron.


For a more complete immersion, the fesenjon, a chicken with pomegranate nuts, ghormeh sabzi, veal or lamb with herbs, or khoresht alo, chicken with prunes. The dishes are scented, rarely spicy. They will be accompanied by lavash bread. In the gargottes, you will not always have cutlery available, we often eat by hand.




Alcohol is of course officially banned in the Islamic Republic, but you can enjoy drinks such as dough and tea (chai), especially in the pretty tea houses (tchaikhuneh).

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