تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز عن. عندي بحث بالانجليزي عن
 جغرافيا لبنان الموقع; المُناخ; التضاريس. الجغرافيا والمناخ
سهول لبنان سلسلة جبال لبنان الغربية اسماء جبال لبنان
لبنان الطبيعية موقع لبنان  جغرافيا لبنان الصف التاسع
بيئة لبنان البيئة في لبنان-مشاكل وحلول اللبنانيين البيئة تقرير عن البيئة في لبنان قضية بيئية او اجتماعية واقع البيئة اللبناني كتابة  رسالة الى البيئة

Geography and landscapes Lebanon

Located on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, Lebanon is bordered by Syria to the north and east, and Israel to the south. This country, one of the smallest in the world, an area of ​​10 452 km², stretches about 200 km from north to south and 50 km from west to east. Despite its modest size, it has extremely diverse geographical areas.

The littoral zone

It comprises a coast pursued from a plain towards the interior. The coastal zone extends from north to south, very narrow and cut. It is characterized by cliffs and gravel beaches. It brings together the main cities.

The plain

The plain, also very narrow (from 3 to 7 km) comes along the coast and ends inside on the chain of Mount Lebanon. It extends from the north to the south, reaching altitudes from 3,088 m (Kornet el Saouda) to 1,809 m (Jabal Niha). The chain is 160 km long and 30 km wide on average. Further east, the chain descends steeply over the Beqaa plain, which runs along the coast for 150 km at an altitude of 1,000 m.

The plain contains the sources of two rivers, Assi and Litani. It is an important area of ​​agricultural and wine production and, until recently, cannabis cultivation. The slopes of this valley are very gentle, with a ridge located near Baalbeck at 1100 m, where the plain mingles with the foothills of Anti-Lebanon. This very arid massif rises to the east of the Beqaa plain, forming a natural border with Syria.


Cedar, a symbol tree of Lebanon, is found mainly in the mountainous regions, especially in Bcharré and near Barouk in the Chouf mountains. In biblical times, large cedar forests covered most of the country. Nevertheless, Lebanon remains the country with the most dense forests in the Middle East: there are many varieties of mountain pine and fruit tree crops in most of the coastal strip.

The country is also home to many bird species: birds of prey in the mountains and in the nature reserve near Ehden and seabirds in the Palm Islands Park, off Tripoli. In the waters surrounding the latter, there are also green turtles and Mediterranean monk seals.

However, the ecology suffered from the civil war (1975-1990) and the wild industrialization.


A survey conducted by the monthly Environment and Development showed in June 2013 that nearly half of the bathing points tested were seriously polluted and dangerous for health (risk of skin infections and diarrhea). Among the most stained beaches are the public beach of Beirut, in Ramlet El-Baïda, and the beaches of the Jounieh region.

This is due to the lack of functional wastewater treatment plants that perform all the treatment cycles, and to faulty management of wastewater and poor maintenance of the pipes. All this is due to a lack of financial means. But releases of industrial waste in the Mediterranean are also involved.

Six treatment plants are to be installed in Lebanon by 2020.

In recent years, NGOs have organized bathers awareness campaigns and waste cleaning operations.

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