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Syria: children, victims symbols of war
The Syrian children, including the little Omrane wounded in a raid in Aleppo, appear as victims symbol of the horrors of a war that ravages their country for more than five years.
The images of a child wounded Wednesday in a bombing in Aleppo have caused great excitement around the world. They show this four-year-old boy, Omrane, sitting in an ambulance, his face covered with dust and blood, stunned by the blast of the explosion caused by a raid on Aleppo in northern Syria.
Already, in September 2015, the photo of a lifeless three-year-old Syrian child, Aylan, lying on a Turkish beach, had traveled around the world. Abundantly relayed by the press and social networks, it has become emblematic of the tragedy of Syrian refugees.
"No place for children"
Some 3.7 million children, one in three young Syrians, have been born since the conflict began on March 15, 2011, and grew up in a context of "violence, fear and uprooting," according to a report. published in March, entitled "No place for children".
In total, the conflict now affects 8.4 million Syrian children, more than 80 percent of them, whether in Syria or exiled, according to UNICEF.
Nearly 15,000 children killed
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH), more than 14,700 children have been killed since 2011 (assessment as of August 8, 2016), the vast majority following the bombing. Dozens have died of starvation or lack of medicine in the besieged areas. Others perished in gas attacks.
According to the NGO Save the Children, children represent "35% of the victims in Aleppo".
Pet food
According to UNICEF, half of the 600,000 people at headquarters are children. In March, the agency claimed that among children trapped in besieged localities, some were reduced to eating animal feed or leaves to survive.
According to Human Rights Watch, in five and a half years of war, at least 1433 children have been imprisoned, but only 436 have been released.
Among the thousands of tortured detainees photographed by "Caesar", an anonymous Syrian photographer who had fled abroad with his photographs, about a hundred were boys under 18 years old.
This was the case of Ahmed al-Musalmani, 14, arrested in 2012 when Syrian soldiers found on his mobile phone a song criticizing the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. He died in prison.
2.8 million children deprived of school
In March, UNICEF estimated that there were 2.1 million children out of school in Syria.
In neighboring countries, more than 700,000 Syrian children do not have access to education, particularly in Turkey and Lebanon, where schools are overcrowded and under-resourced. In this country, a large proportion of children are forced to work or beg, and the majority are deprived of education.

The war killed more than 290,000 people and threw millions of people on the roads.

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