تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز عن. عندي بحث بالانجليزي عن عادات وتقاليد لبنان
مقالة عن العادات والتقاليد عادات لبنانية  تقاليد العرس اللبناني واقع العادات والتقاليد اللبنانية العرس اللبناني التراثي من عادات المدينة عادات قديمة  الأعياد والمناسبات الرسمية في لبنان الأعياد والعطل الرسمية - الملابس التقليدية لبنان الزي اللبناني للاطفال اللباس اللبناني للنساء لبس لبناني الزي الشعبي اللبناني الازياء الشعبية في لبنان
فلكلور لبناني اللباس الشعبي  الاعياد الاسلامية
Traditions and customs Lebanon

Religious communities

Lebanon is a multi-faith country, made up of 17 recognized religious communities:

13 Christians including 6 attached to Rome;
4 Muslims or from Islam.
Their distribution is roughly the following:

Muslims: 60%
Christians: 40%
Shiites: 30%
Maronites: 25%
Sunnis: 23%
Greek and Catholic churches: 13%
Druze: 7%
Converted to the Armenian Church: 2%
In Muslim communities, there are: Sunnis and Shiites.
In communities from Islam: Druze and Alawite (Nousairy).
Catholic Christian communities include: Maronites, Greek Catholics, Catholic Armenians, Syriac Catholics, Latins, Chaldeans and Copts.
Non-Catholic Christian communities include: Orthodox Greeks, Orthodox Armenians, Syriac Monophysites, Assyrians, Protestants and Orthodox Copts.

Holidays and holidays

Most public holidays correspond to religious festivals, in abundance, because of the number of communities present in Lebanon.

- January 1st: New Year
- February 9th: Saint-Maron.
- Good Friday: Catholic and Orthodox (two dates).
- Easter Monday: Catholic and Orthodox (two dates).
- April 18: Qana Day, commemoration of the Qana massacre in 1966 (107 Lebanese civilians were killed by Israeli shells in a UN camp).
- May 1st: Labor Day.
- May 6: Martyrs' Day.
May 25: Feast of Resistance and Liberation.
- August 15: feast of the Virgin.
- 1st of November: Toussaint.
- November 22: Independence Day of Lebanon.
- December 25: Christmas.

Islamic celebrations

The main Islamic celebrations follow the hijra lunar calendar, which is 11 days shorter than the western calendar. Islamic holidays therefore fall 11 days earlier each year. Among the most important, we note:

- Ras as-Sana: New Year.
- Ashura, a day of public prayer observed by Shia Muslims to commemorate the assassination of Muhammad's grandson.
- The fast month of Ramadan.
- Eid al-Fitr: feast during which the fast is broken. It marks the end of Ramadan.
- Id al-Mawled: Birth of the Prophet Muhammad.
- Eid al-Adha: 3 days after the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Crafts in Lebanon

Lebanon has preserved an artisan heritage and popular arts that goes back as far as its history. Among the know-how, we find:

- woodworking with sculpture, engraving, marquetry and Nabati;
- embroidery ;
- the art of copper;
- jewels with the technique of filigree foudda mshabke, goldsmith work (gold, silver or copper) openwork or in the form of nets loosened and welded;
- pottery;
- weaving, with the production of wall tapestries and clothing (multicolored jackets and traditional abayas) in cotton, wool and silk;
- glassware with the technique of blown glass.


After a good lunch or a good meal, guests sit around the hookah and share the flavors in turn. Of Indian origin, the narghile was adopted by the Chinese who used it to smoke opium in their famous water pipes. Subsequently, the Persians, then the Turks adopted it and transformed to give it its current form.

It is an oriental pipe with a long flexible pipe in which smoke passes through a glass foot filled with water before being inhaled. The upper part of the narghile ends with a small hollow container whose bottom includes several holes. It is in this one that one puts tobacco mixed with massal honey which can be perfumed by different aromas (apple, melon, mint, cocktail of fruits ...). The initiates themselves prefer Iran's pure tobacco, Ajami.

Savoir-vivre and customs

- Clothing: In a generally Muslim context, women will avoid outfits leaving their legs and shoulders uncovered. For a man, it should not shake the hand of a Muslim woman, especially if it is a little old: contact is not allowed by Islam (and especially not the kiss). Salvation is then done with the right hand on the heart.

- Invitations: the Lebanese invite gladly. It is also the custom to offer coffee or tea in the shops. Do not be surprised and let yourself go to the pleasure of this sociability.

- Photos: the Lebanese are very welcoming and warm, nevertheless it would be better not to photograph the population if it is not consenting.

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