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 ثقافة لبنان والشعب اللبناني الجمهوريّة اللبنانيّة  إحدى الدول العربية الواقعة في الشرق الأوسط  عادات وتقاليد لبنان اﻟﺣﻳﺎة اﻟﺛﻘﺎﻓﻳﺔ  الثقافة اللبنانية  تاريخ لبنان الثقافي عصر النهضة  تعبير عن الثقافة الشعر في لبنان الثقافة والمجتمع في لبنان الوضع الثقافي في لبنان ثقافة المجتمع اللبناني العادات والتقاليد اللبنانية لبنان مزدحم الثقافات المتقاطعة حضارة لبنان موضوع عن لبنان وجماله معلومات عن لبنان السياحة الثقافية الفن وأهل الفن والنجوم والمشاهير الفن والأدب  الاعلام  الفنانين المحترفين في لبنان 
Culture and arts Lebanon
Lebanon, a cultural melting pot, has seen the birth of brilliant artists. We chose to present two of the most famous ones.
Khalil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran (Djubran Kahlil Djubran) is a poet, philosopher and artist. Born in 1883 in Bécharré, he died in 1931 in New York. He first wrote in Arabic and then in English when he moved to New York in 1912. His poems are translated into more than twenty languages. His drawings and paintings have been presented in the most beautiful capitals of the world. The Prophet, his major book, expresses his spiritual quest and his vision of the absolute. His poem books, illustrated with his mystical drawings, have conquered a large number of readers around the world.
Amin Maalouf
Amin Maalouf lives in France since 1976. He is certainly one of the most talented French-speaking Lebanese writers of his generation. He has written many historical novels mainly related to the Middle East. A long time contributor to the weekly Jeune Afrique, of which he was editor-in-chief, he has traveled to some 60 countries and covered numerous events, including the Iranian Revolution.
Traditional Lebanese singing has its origins in the sad and nostalgic melodies that humbug herders in the mountains, or the workers of the ports of the coast.
Ephrem the Syriac, father of the universal Church and considered as the father of sung music, was inspired in the fourth century to compose rhythmic religious poems. In the fifth century, Romanos the Melodian, late scholar, poet and musician of Beirut, unified the Aramaic and Byzantine melodies and enacted the first laws of religious music. It is on these melodies and melodies that all the liturgical songs of the Eastern churches are based. It is supposed that the songs of the muezzins were inspired by them.
In the twentieth century, Lebanese musicians such as the Rahbani brothers, Zaki Nassif and Philemon Wéhbé, among others, have evolved this melody by modernizing it and introducing Western instruments.
This musical tradition is still alive today through 2 great Lebanese voices.
Fairuz, known as "the greatest Arab singer since the death of Umm Kalsum", has expressed her immense talent in a wide variety of genres, performing as well in the purest classical tradition, Arab-Andalusian works, Mouwachahs and Qacidas that draws from the more contemporary repertoire of operettas and modern songs. She also sings her Christian origins in many religious songs for Easter and Christmas. Her career flourished in the 1950s when she began working with avant-garde composers promoting the revival of Arabic music (the Rahbani brothers). From the sixties, she became the undisputed star of the Arab world. However, she remained faithful to Lebanon where she lived and worked permanently despite the war.
Sister Marie Keyrouz
 Sister Marie Keyrouz, known as the "Sister Scientist Singing", the "Messenger of Peace", the "Light of Sacred Music", or the "Mysterious Voice of the East", was born in Deir-El-Ahmar, near the Roman city of Baalbeck, family maronite and melkite religious congregation, she embodies the tradition of Christian singing of the Eastern Churches. At the crossroads of religions, his records have met with international success and have earned him many invitations to sing around the world. Her passion for singing has also led to extensive research in this field (she is a doctor of musicology and founding president of the International Institute of Sacred Chant in Paris).
Francophonie in Lebanon
In Lebanon, French is a fact of culture and a choice of society. The teaching of French was introduced in Lebanon by the religious missions which founded, from the eighteenth century and throughout the following centuries, a large number of schools, then universities, open to all Lebanese and where l The teaching was given in French and Arabic.
The bilingualism of education, from kindergarten to the final year, has always been the rule in Lebanon and has been maintained even after independence on the initiative of all communities without any legal or regulatory provisions determining the choice. of the second language which, besides Arabic, must thus be taught.
With a long tradition of pluralism and openness, Lebanon enjoys one of the most developed freedom of expression in the region. The press is plural and voluntarily satirical. TV too.
The country has several French-language publishing houses. Lebanon is the leading producer and importer of French newspapers and books throughout the Middle East. The press has numerous newspapers and magazines including L'Orient - Le Jour (daily), Magazine, La Revue du Liban (weekly) and several monthly magazines including Mondanité, Noun, Prestige, Femme, etc. The reading rate of the French-language press is about 27%. Several radios are totally or partially French-speaking. On the other hand, there is no longer a French-language television channel since the suppression of Canal 9 in 2001.

French cinema has a wide distribution, but it is the American cinema - as everywhere else - which holds the top of the pavement. All foreign films are subtitled in Arabic and French.

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