تعبير انجليزي عن لونك المفضل
تعبير عن اللون الاحمر بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اللون الاسود بالانجليزي
اختبار ما هو لونك المفضل
تعبير عن اللون الابيض
my favorite color
كيف اعرف لوني المفضل من برجي
paragraph about favorite color
كلام عن اللون الاسود بالانجليزي

برزنيشن عن الالوان اللـغة الانجـليـزيـة

جمل عن الألوان و المفضلة -
What's your favorite color? why? ما هو لونك المفضل
تعبير عن اللون الاحمر بالانجليزي
تعبير عن اللون الابيض
تعبير عن اللون الاسود بالانجليزي
تعبير عن لونك المفضل بالانجليزي
جمل عن الالوان بالانجليزي
كلام عن الالوان بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن لوني المفضل
موضوع عن الالوان قصير
تعبير عن اللون الازرق
اختبار ما هو لونك المفضل
كيف اعرف لوني المفضل من برجي
كيف أعرف شخصيتي من أسمي
اختبار اللون الذي يعبر عن شخصيتك
اختبار ايش لونك المفضل
شخصيتك من لونك المفضل في علم النفس
تحليل شخصيتك من لونك المفضل
كيف تعرف شخصيتك بالاسئله
اختبار لون الشخصية
my favorite color
paragraph about favorite color
my favorite color is blue
my favorite color is pink
my favorite color is white
my favorite color is blue because
my favorite color is black
color and personality
تعبير عن لونك المفضل بالانجليزي
 paragraph about favorite color
my favorite color is blue
my favorite color is blue because
my favorite color is black
my favorite color is white
my favorite color is pink
تعبير عن لونك المفضل بالانجليزي

What your favorite color reveals about you.
Whether we are a brown, or a sky blue, our color preferences are a key to understanding our character and personality. Find out what this color expert says about your favorite color. What does this reveal about who you actually are?
Purple: People who choose this color are very individual, challenging, spiritual, and sensitive, with a great desire to be unique and different. Capricious, outgoing and artistic, these people can be distant and sarcastic when they are not understood. If you chose purple, you tend to be unconventional, tolerant and dignified, with chances to reach positions of authority.
It is the color that corresponds to the 7th chakra (or chakra crown), the one that is at the top of the head. It is the chakra of spirituality, imagination, universal consciousness.
Brown: A person who chooses brown has endurance and patience; it tends to be very solid, conscientious, reliable, stable and conservative. She is not impulsive and can be mute and tactless but she loves responsibilities. If you chose brown, watch for a tendency to be obstinate and inflexible.
Gray: The color of caution and compromise. These people are diligent and seek compromises to stay in peace and often work hard without return. As they age, these people love a stable life without surprises. The youngest can live incompletely and hide their personality. These people often have good abilities in their work and tend to work too much.
Black: Worthy and impressive without being ostentatious, it is a person who wants to give an appearance of mystery but his preference may also indicate a suppression of worldly desires and goals, suggesting a hidden depth and inner desires.
White: Symbolic of purity, innocence and naiveté, white has strong connotations of youth and purity. If you are an older person, your preference for white might indicate a desire for perfection and impossible ideals, perhaps an attempt to regain youthfulness and freshness lost. It can also symbolize a desire for simplicity or simple life.
It is the color that corresponds to the 7th chakra (or chakra crown), the one that is at the top of the head. It is the chakra of spirituality, imagination, universal consciousness.
The color of strength, health and vitality, red is often the color chosen by an outgoing, aggressive, vigorous and impulsive person - or someone who would like to be! This goes with an ambitious nature but those who choose it can be abrupt at times, determined to get everything they can from life, quick to judge people and take part. People who choose red are generally optimistic and do not support monotony, they love movement and are not at all introspective, and as a result they may be unaware of their weaknesses. They find it difficult to be objective and can blame others for any hitch. Quiet people with a preference for red may feel a need for warmth, qualities of strength and vitality of that color, or they mask their real feelings under a sober appearance. The red is generally chosen by people of open nature and uncomplicated, having the joy of living.
It is the color of the 1st chakra (or chakra root) that symbolizes contact with the earth, security, sensuality and is related to the body and the physical world. In connection with the adrenal glands.
Brown: Hard experiences have undoubtedly matured the person into a sympathetic and generous person. It is often the favorite color of a person who has been abused by life but has stood firm. This indicates a well-disciplined "red" personality, that is, she has grown from her experiences.

Pink: This color has the softened qualities of red, symbolizing love and affection without passion. Women who prefer pink tend to be maternal They desire protection, special treatment and a protected life. These people need affection to feel loved and surrounded, and perhaps want to look delicate and fragile. They tend to be charming and gentle, even if they are slightly indeterminate.
Orange: The color of luxury and pleasures attracts flamboyant people and loving to have fun, and have a vibrant social life. These people may tend to dramatize a little, and they are noticed, but they are generally in a good mood and have a lot of friends. They may be a little superficial and inconstant, but in general they try to be pleasant. Orange is the color of youth, strength, intrepidity, curiosity and movement.
It is the color of the 2nd chakra (a few centimeters below the navel). It is related to sexuality, sensory contact, creativity; in relation to the water element. In connection with the gonads.

Yellow: The color of happiness, wisdom and imagination. Yellow is chosen by people who are of an adventurous mind, seeking novelty and self-fulfillment. The yellow usually goes with a radiant and fine personality, with a head for business and a keen sense of humor. It is the color of intellectuality and all that is related to the mind. They are people who think clearly and precisely; they have a good opinion of their own mental abilities and often have a high ideal. They may sometimes evade responsibility, preferring freedom of thought and action.
It is the color of the 3rd chakra (solar plexus) linked to the pancreas and the digestive system.
Green: The color of harmony and balance. Green symbolizes hope, renewal and peace, and is generally appreciated by gentle and sincere people. These people are generally frank, and community-conscious, sociable enough but preferring peace. They may tend to fade, be modest and patient, and they can be exploited by others. They are generally refined, polished and trustworthy.
It is the color of the 4th chakra or chakra of the heart, symbolized by love, compassion, generosity. It is related to the thymus gland, the circulatory and immune system. It is related to overall health.
Blue: gentle, soothing, compassionate and benevolent blue is the color of deliberation and introspection, conservatism and duty. Patients, persevering, conscientious, sensitive and self-controlled, people who prefer blue love to be admired for their stable character and wisdom. They are faithful but often anxious with somewhat inflexible beliefs and they may be too cautious and suspicious of too fiery behaviors.

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