Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:
    You and I learn to walk when we were a few months old, but baby giraffes can walk after only twenty minutes. Baby giraffes live in a dangerous world. Lions and other animals like to eat them, so the babies must learn quickly. They learn to run fast. Even at night, giraffes do not lie down. They stand by a tree and sleep. Big giraffes have legs and they can run at fifty kilometers per hour.
    A giraffe's tongue can be fifty centimeters long! Giraffes use their tongues for cleaning themselves. They can even clean their ears with their tongues! A giraffe's favourite food is green leaves from acacia trees. These trees have sharp thorns, but the giraffe's tongue can go between the thorns. The giraffe's long neck is important because the best leaves are at the top of the trees. Giraffes love these leaves, and they eat for about eighteen hours every day.

A) From a, b and c choose the correct answer:
1- Giraffes are…………………….
a- funny                            b- fast                        c- slow                            d- dangerous
1-    The best title for this passage is……………………
   a- Giraffe's life                      b- Giraffes tongue   c- Giraffe's food         d- Giraffe's neck
3- The word "favourite" in line (  7  ) means……………………………
a- lovable                           b- bad                       c- awful                       d- horrible
4- The word "them" in line ( 3  ) refers to………………………..
a- animals                          b- lions                      c- giraffes                    d- babies

B) Answer the following questions:
5- Why must baby giraffes learn quickly?
……………………………………………………………………………………….....................6- What do giraffes use tongues for?
………………………………………………………………………......................………………7- How fast can a big giraffe run per hour?  

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:
           Australia is the home of the kangaroo. In most of the world, a person must go to the zoo to see a kangaroo. In Australia, kangaroos move around in freedom in the forest. Kangaroos are about the size of a man.
           They are five to six feet tall and weigh about 150 pounds. Kangaroos have two strong legs to jump or to fight. Close to their bodies they have two small front legs to find food and hold it.
      Kangaroos live in groups and they move from place to place searching for food. Kangaroos can jump more than 25 feet high. A baby kangaroo lives inside its mother's pouch which is like a pocket for only thirty to forty days.
A) From a, b and c choose the correct answer:
1- A baby kangaroo lives in its mother's………………………
     a- pocket                                b- body                          c. pouch                            d.leg
2- The word "They" in line (4) refers to………………….
      a- kangaroos                         b- forests                       c. pounds                          d. feet
3- The word "searching for" in line (7) means….…………….
     a- fighting for                         b- looking for               c. heading for                d. living for
4- The best title for this passage is………………..
           a- Australia                                                          b. A kangaroo's life       
           c. A baby kangaroo                                             d. A kangaroo's size
B) Answer the following questions:
5- Where can we see kangaroos in Australia ?
6- How tall is a kangaroo?
7- Why do kangaroos move from place to another?

Spelling exercises
A) Fill in the missing letters:
1.     Marie Curie tried  to find a c-r- for c-n-er.
2.     A f- r- st is an ar - - where tame and wild animals live.
3.     I'm really 1- - king f - rw - rd to my holiday.
4.     Let's go sc - b - d - v - ng.
5.     The p-pul-tion of c- p - tal cities is usually big.
6.     We don't need g-g – les to play  – olleyball.
7.     Marie Curie got two important pr- z - s for physics and chem- st- y.
8.     A lot  of  t- - rists like to visit the ed- - ational centres . 
B)  Write the short  form and combine the words :
1- life + s = ……………………….                         2- I would = ………..………….
3- city+ s = ……………………….                          4- cure+ ing= ………………….
5- TV      = ……………………….                          6- Friday =   …………………….
7- He's    =  ……………………….                          8- stop+ed = …………….……….
9- I’ve    = …………….………….                          10- watch+s=………….………….

الإدارة العامة لمنطقة العاصمة التعليمية                                      -
التوجيه الفني للغة الانجليزية

الكلمات الخاصة بسؤال التهجئة للصف السادس/ المرحلة المتوسطة
الفترة الدراسية الأولى
Word         No     Word         No     Word         No
educational         11     Interview   6       join   1
prize 12     Racket       7       forest          2
Capital       13     Volcano     8       cure  3
Cancer       14     Married     9       faithfully   4
university   15     Volleyball  10     tourist        5
Combinations     Short & Long Forms
stop+ed=stopped 1       Friday=Fri.         1
cure+ing=curing 2       Television=TV    2
city+s=cities         3       I have=I’ve          3
watch+s=watches         4       He has=He’s        4
life+s=lives 5       I would=I’d         5

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