Your bank closes your bank account without notifying you. You protest


Your bank can close your deposit account without having to justify it. However, even if it does not have to justify its decision, it must inform you and respect a notice, to give you time to take the necessary steps to open a new account. This notice is generally indicated in the account agreement that you signed when opening your account. Otherwise, this period is thirty to forty-five days.


The bank can take care of transmitting your new bank details to your creditors (credit companies, taxes, etc.) that you pay by direct debit, as well as to companies or organizations that pay you by transfer (employer, family allowances, etc.).




On (…), you closed the account that I had opened on (date) with your establishment. This termination quickly became effective, and some direct debits were rejected.


If you are perfectly entitled to close an account unilaterally and without justification, you are nevertheless required to respect notice, as indicated in the account agreement signed when opening my deposit account.


This period should allow me to find a new banking establishment and to inform my creditors and the companies or organizations that pay me money of the change in my bank details.


Charges having been taken for lack of funds on my account, I therefore ask you to reimburse me.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 60


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