You wish to cancel your telephone or Internet access subscription
You are disappointed with the services of your operator, you have found a better offer from a competitor or, for any other personal reason, you wish to cancel your telephone or Internet access subscription.
If you are bound by a commitment period of one or two years, you will have to wait until the deadline, otherwise you will have to pay the full monthly payments due as a penalty. However, if your contract was concluded or renewed for more than twelve months, you will only owe one quarter of the monthly payments of the second year remaining, for example two months if you cancel eight months before the end.
The termination will take effect ten days from receipt of your request. So, if you want it to intervene later, to ensure the continuation of service with a new operator, for example, specify it.
If necessary, do not forget to return the rented equipment by registered mail (modem, cables, etc.).
I would like to terminate the subscription (specify the contract references) taken out with your company on (date).
(If you do not want the service to be interrupted within ten days) I want this termination to take effect on (set a date beyond the ten days).
(If you pay for your subscription by credit card or by direct debit from your account) I had opted for payment by (specify), I therefore ask you to stop withdrawing from (date).
Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.
(Signature) 111
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