You want to prepay the credit you had taken out


You have taken out a consumer loan. You can, at any time, repay this credit in advance, partially or in full, even if this is not provided for in your loan agreement. To do this, send your lender a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt based on Article L. 311-22 of the Consumer Code.


No early repayment indemnity can be claimed from you in the event of a revolving credit or overdraft authorization, or if the repayment amount is less than 10,000 euros.


recommended letter with receipt note




I signed, on (date), a credit agreement registered under the following references (contract references).


I am informing you of my intention to prepay all of this credit, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 311-22 of the Consumer Code. All the monthly repayment installments due have already been paid.


You will find attached a check in the amount of (…) euros, corresponding to the balance of the remaining monthly payments.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 68






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