You request the closure of your deposit account


You want to change bank. You have concluded an indefinite contract with your current establishment; you can therefore request the closure of your account at any time, without having to justify yourself. This operation is free. You will need to return all check forms and / or payment cards associated with this account. Otherwise, you would be held liable in the event of fraudulent use of these. Your new bank can help you with the process.


The closure of an account must be the subject of a specific request. Simply withdrawing the available funds does not automatically close the account: it is only cleared, and fees for managing an inactive account may be charged to you.


If you open a new account in another bank, ask to benefit from the bank mobility assistance service. Your new bank will carry out the formalities for you with your creditors (EDF, credit companies, etc.) and your debtors (employer, Social Security, etc.). Your old account will be closed within ten working days.


recommended letter with receipt note




Holder of a deposit account opened at your agency in (place) under the references (bank account number), I hereby inform you of my desire to close this account.


I ask you to implement, from this day, the various steps leading to the final closure of my account. The current balance is sufficient to allow the payment of checks and other means of payment still in circulation.


On the closing date, I would like to thank you for sending me a detailed account statement and a check representing the amount of the final balance.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 59


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