You no longer want to have personal ads in your mailbox


You are tired of seeing your mailbox flooded with advertisements in your name. No doubt your name is in multiple files.


If you no longer want to be bothered like this, let us know by writing to the Union française du marketing direct (UFMD). This organization, which brings together professionals working in this sector, manages the Robinson-Stop advertising list, which includes the names of people no longer wishing to be contacted directly. It will send your details to its members. You can also make a request directly to the companies (see letter "You want to oppose the transfer of your data appearing in the commercial files").


This process is free. It will reduce the number of advertising mails in your name. However, it will not completely prevent you from receiving flyers. Indeed, any order, subscription or catalog request subsequent to this process may lead to your re-registration in the commercial files.


French Union of Direct Marketing Service


Robinson Stop Advertising List


60, rue La Boétie • 75008 Paris




I ask you to register my name (indicate your name, first names, address) on the Stop advertising list that you manage and to inform your members of my wish to no longer be solicited by their promotional offers.


I thank you in advance and please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 84


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