You no longer have a bank account. You request the intervention of the Banque de France


As a result of financial difficulties, you no longer have a bank account. You contacted several banks to open an account, but they all refused. Banks do not have to accept the opening of an account, and they do not have to justify their decision. They must, however, provide you with a free written certificate of refusal to open an account.


Note that a right to the account is provided for by law. From the first refusal, you can ask the Banque de France by mail to designate a banking institution with which you can open an account. Attach to your request the written certificate of refusal to open an account.


The designated bank that will open an account for you is not required to issue you with a checkbook and / or payment card. However, it is required to provide you with basic banking service, which includes a number of features, such as a systematically authorized payment card and a maximum of two cashier's checks per month.




I do not have a bank account (or my demand deposit account was closed two months ago). The various banking establishments contacted since refuse to open a deposit account for me. You will find attached the certificates of refusal to open an account.


So I am asking your services so that they designate a bank with which I can quickly open a new account, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 312-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code, which provides for a right to an account.


Thank you in advance for this approach and please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.




Attachments :


- photocopy of identity document;


- proof of address ;


- photocopy of the certificate of refusal to open an account. 62


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