You have surrendered an affected credit within seven days. You request reimbursement of the deposit paid to the seller


You signed a credit offer to finance the purchase of your car, but then withdrew. Please note: in the event of a linked or affected credit, the termination of the credit transaction will only automatically result in the termination of the sales contract if you withdraw within seven days (article L. 311-36 of the Consumer Code ). The property thus financed will not remain at your expense. Inform the seller of this withdrawal and ask him to reimburse you for the deposit that may have been paid on the day of the order.


The seller must make this return without delay. If it is late, assert, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, the provisions of Article L. 311-37 of the Consumer Code: "The seller or the service provider shall reimburse, on simple request, any sum that the buyer would have paid in advance of the price. From the eighth day following the request for reimbursement, this sum is productive of interest, as of right, at the legal rate increased by half ”. To find out the legal interest rate, consult (“Economic indices” section).


recommended letter with receipt note




By my letter of (date), I asked you to return the deposit of (…) euros paid when I ordered from (date). This, in fact, was canceled due to the exercise of my right of withdrawal from the credit organization.


As the amount of this deposit has not yet been returned to me, I hereby give you notice to reimburse me for this amount increased by interest at the legal rate increased by half, in accordance with article L. 311- 37 of the Consumer Code, since more than eight days have passed since my first request.


In the absence of a favorable response from you within eight days, I will be obliged to refer the matter to the competent court.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 66


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