You dispute a remote purchase paid by credit card


Purchases and reservations for plane tickets, train tickets or shows made by Internet, telephone or correspondence can be paid by credit card. If your bank account is debited for the amount of a transaction that you have never carried out, dispute this purchase without delay by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt from your bank.


Check your bank statements carefully and regularly to detect any anomalies. You have a maximum period of thirteen months from the date of debit into the account (article L. 133-24 of the Monetary and Financial Code) to contest, in writing, the transaction with your bank. After a few checks on his part, you will be fully and immediately reimbursed for the sums debited without your knowledge.


The responsibility of the holder of a bank card is not engaged if the card has been counterfeited or if the disputed payment has been made fraudulently, remotely, without physical use of the card.


recommended letter with receipt note




On reading my last account statement, I noticed the debit of a sum of (...) euros corresponding to the payment by bank card n ° (sixteen-digit number) of a purchase made from the company (name of the society). However, I have never ordered anything from this company.


I therefore ask you kindly, as soon as possible, to credit the sum of (…) euros back to my bank account.


Thanking you in advance, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 55

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