You cancel the credit taken out within fourteen days of signing the credit agreement


When you accept a consumer credit contract offer, you have a withdrawal period of fourteen calendar days (article L. 311-12 of the Consumer Code). To do this, return to the financial institution, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, the detachable slip attached to your credit offer. In the absence of this form, send him a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. You can exercise your right of withdrawal for any reason and do not have to justify your decision.


The right of withdrawal is possible regardless of the form of credit contracted. Please note: for a revolving credit, it can only be used when signing the credit contract offer.


recommended letter with receipt note




On (date), I accepted a credit contract offer (loan title) for an amount of (…) euros, proposed by your institution and registered under references n ° (indicate the references appearing on the offer) .


On this day of (date), i.e. (specify the number) days after signing the contract, I declare that I renounce the credit offer referred to above, in application of the provisions of article L. 311-12 of the Code of consumption.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.


(Signature) 65


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