Trees planted at your neighbor's house are too tall and too close to your land
Distances and heights must be respected when planting trees or shrubs. They vary from one region to another: it is therefore necessary, first of all, to check with your town hall to find out if a municipal decree imposes specific regulations. If there are no specific regulations, the law applies (article 671 of the Civil Code). You can write to your neighbor to ask him to prune trees that give you shade, or even to pull up shrubs planted too close to your property.
According to articles 671 and 672 of the Civil Code:
- if the plantations are more than 2 meters in height, they must be located at least 2 meters from the dividing line between two properties;
- for shrubs whose height is less than 2 meters, the minimum distance to be respected is 0.50 m.
"The neighbor can demand that the trees, shrubs and shrubs, planted at a distance less than the legal distance, be uprooted or reduced to the determined height [...] unless there is title, destination of the father of the family or 30-year prescription […] ”.
recommended letter with receipt note
As I indicated to you recently by telephone, the cedar hedge that you planted a few months ago on the edge of your property does not comply with the regulations in force provided for by article 671 of the Civil Code. Indeed, this hedge now exceeds 2 meters in height, while it is planted about 1 meter from the dividing line between our two properties.
Consequently, I ask you either to reduce the height of these cedars to less than 2 meters, or to tear them up to replant them more than 2 meters from the fence.
In the absence of a positive response from you, I will be obliged to take this matter to court.
Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.
(Signature) 150
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