Marriage agency. You wish to terminate the contract you have taken out within seven days of signing


You decide to register with a marriage agency. But, once you get home, you regret it. Rest assured: you have a withdrawal period of seven days from the date of signing the contract. You can therefore withdraw by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt without providing an explanation, by relying on the law of 23 June 1989 (article 6-II, paragraph 1).


The withdrawal period of seven days starts from the signing of the marriage brokerage contract. Pay attention to the date written on it and check, before signing it, that it is not backdated. If this period expires on a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or non-working day, it is extended until the next working day.


In addition, the agency does not have the right:


- to demand a sum of money before the expiry of the withdrawal period;


- to claim compensation for termination.


recommended letter with receipt note




On (date), I took out a dating offer contract with a view to achieving a marriage or a stable union.


For personal reasons, I have decided not to follow up and I use the right of withdrawal provided for by article 6-II, paragraph 1, of the law of 23 June 1989 to reconsider my commitment.


In addition, I ask you to reimburse me the sum of (…) euros, which I paid upon subscription. I take this opportunity to remind you that this payment was illegal and liable to criminal penalties.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.




Attachment: photocopy of the document certifying a payment. 70


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