Marriage agency. The agency responsible for finding you a soul mate did not introduce you to anyone. You terminate the contract


The marriage agency in which you are registered has not contacted you for many months or only presents you with candidates who do not correspond to your criteria. Do not hesitate to remind him of his obligations by referring to the decree of May 16, 1990. Your criteria (sex, age, family and professional situation, region of residence, etc.) must appear in an annex to the contract, in accordance with article 1 st of the decree of May 16, 1990.


Article 6-III of the law of June 23, 1989 allows you to ask the marriage agency to show you the written commitment of the person it presents to you, in order to avoid the multiplication of false candidates for marriage.


You can also terminate your contract for legitimate reasons. There is no legal definition of the legitimate reason, but it is in particular a move to another region, a marriage during the contract, an illness ... In this case, the agency is required to reimburse you for part of the sums paid, within two months of receiving your registered letter.


recommended letter with receipt note




On (date), I concluded a meeting offer contract with your agency so that you could present me with candidates corresponding to my wishes.


(1st case) For (…) months, you haven't introduced anyone to me.


(2nd case) The annex to the contract specifies the qualities of the people I wish to meet. However, to date, none of the people presented correspond to this profile.


Under these conditions, it seems obvious that you do not respect your commitments, and I put an end to our relations by terminating the contract.


I call on you to return the sum I paid you, ie (…) euros. Otherwise, I will be obliged to go to court to obtain satisfaction, or even to file a complaint with the public prosecutor for false advertising.


Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.




Attachment: photocopy of the document certifying your payment. 69


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