Automobile Insurance

The automobile is the most widespread but also the most dangerous means of transport. The damage of an accident can turn out to be dramatic in every way, hence the need to be well insured.

    What are the specificities and characteristics of Automobile Insurance?
    What are the nature and extent of the guarantees offered?

The first answers are proposed in this document.


The following information is given in general terms; it does not exempt you from consulting the general and specific conditions of your insurance contract, and from talking to your insurer, in particular regarding; the guarantees taken out, the risks excluded, the limits of the guarantees, the cases of forfeitures and other particularities.

    What is Auto Insurance?
    Is it an obligation? What is his interest ?
    What guarantees are offered?
    What are the different formulas of the Automobile Insurance contract?
    What are the limits of the coverages offered?
    How to take out this insurance? What information to provide?

I. What is Auto Insurance?

The automobile insurance contract is offered to any owner or driver of a land motor vehicle, in the form of a package including compulsory liability cover and one or more other optional cover:

    Damage to the vehicle;
    Damage to persons transported (passengers);
    Defense and recourse or legal protection;

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II. Is it an obligation? What is his interest ?

Only civil liability (automobile liability) is compulsory.
Article 1 of Ordinance 74-15 of January 30, 1974, amended and supplemented by Law No. 88-31 of July 19, 1988 relating to the compulsory insurance of motor vehicles and to the damage compensation scheme, obliges any owner of a motor vehicle, even before putting it into service, to take out automobile insurance, covering the financial consequences of his civil liability towards others.

Thus, in the event of a loss occurring in the realization of which the insured vehicle is involved (accident, fire or explosion, fall, etc.), the insurer intervenes to repair the financial consequences of the material and / or bodily damage caused. to third parties within the meaning of Ordinance 74-15 as amended and supplemented.


    The liability guarantee is exercised in circulation as at standstill, in any place whatsoever;
    If the vehicle is used without the knowledge of the insured (theft, violence), the liability cover remains with the latter, regardless of the conditions under which the accident took place.

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III. What guarantees are offered?

In addition to the compulsory civil liability cover, the automobile insurer offers other optional cover relating to damage to the vehicle as well as those relating to persons carried on board.
3.1. Damage with or without collision “D.A.S.C. ":

Commonly called “all risks”, this guarantee allows reimbursement of damage caused to the insured vehicle in the event of:

    Collision with another vehicle whether or not it is identified;
    Impact against a fixed or mobile body;
    Rollover without prior collision of the insured vehicle;
    Damage caused by:
        High waters;
        Rock slides;
        Falling rocks;
        Landslide ;

This guarantee covers (subject to the limits of guarantees, cases of forfeitures and other exclusions mentioned in the general conditions of the contract) the aforementioned damage, up to the market value of the vehicle, without taking into account the level of liability and the existence or not of an opposing party.

This guarantee is available, depending on the insurance companies, in several options which can be expressed as a percentage of the value of the vehicle (100%; 50%; 25%…) or as a fixed amount (100,000 DA; 200,000 DA…) .
3.2. Collision damage (DC):

In the event of a collision with another vehicle, a motorcycle, a pedestrian or an animal belonging to an identified third party, the collision damage cover allows the reimbursement of damage caused to the insured vehicle, before any search for liability and within the limit of the ceiling defined in special conditions varying from 5000 DA to the market value of the vehicle.
The essential condition for the implementation of this guarantee being the identification of the third party, it is therefore imperative to collect all the information making it possible to identify the opposing party, and to communicate it to the insurer.

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