As a result of major defects, you have received compensation, but it is manifestly insufficient or has been submitted out of time
You had your house built. Serious disorders (damage to the solidity or impropriety at the destination of the work) have arisen. You have made a declaration to your structural damage insurance, which must be taken out before the start of the work.
Disorders often require quick repairs to avoid worsening. Your insurer has, with some exceptions, a period of sixty days after receipt of the complete declaration of loss to inform you whether or not it accepts the coverage and ninety days, from the same point. departure, to make you a compensation proposal (article L. 242-1 of the Insurance Code).
Exceeding these deadlines as well as a manifestly insufficient compensation proposal allow you, after having notified the insurer, to incur the expenses necessary to repair the damage. Warning: compare the offers to avoid a disproportionate bill.
recommended letter with receipt note
By letter dated (…), you informed me that you accepted the assumption of responsibility for the claim affecting my house, located (place), in the referenced file (file number).
(If insufficient offer) The compensation proposal made to me is clearly insufficient. I enclose herewith quotes that I had established attesting to the undervalued nature of the compensation.
(If offer submitted after the deadline) I acknowledge receipt of your offer of compensation, but the latter was made to me after the deadline of ninety days from the receipt of my complete declaration deemed to have been made.
Consequently, I inform you that I am authorized to incur the expenses necessary for the repair of the damage, the compensation that you will have to pay me will be increased by operation of law by an interest equal to the double of the legal interest rate, in accordance with Article L. 242-1 of the Insurance Code.
Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.
Attachments: claim coverage agreement and estimate. 133
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