car rent agreement format in pakistan








Seller Details

Full Name:



Phone Number:

Buyer Details

Full Name:



Phone Number:

Vehicle Details





License Plate Number:

Current Mileage (Confirmed True by Seller):

VIN/Chassis Number:

(The Vehicle Identification Number must be verified on the vehicle body and DVLA V5

Registration Certificate)

Engine Number (optional):

Vehicle Sale Price: £

Amount Paid to Seller: £

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I (the seller) hereby declare the following:

 I am the legal owner of this vehicle (Registration Number: ________________ )

and have the authority to sell the vehicle.

 Hereby accept full and final payment (Amount: £_________ ) from the buyer for

this vehicle by means of cleared funds.

 The vehicle is not stolen and has not been stolen in the past.

 There is no outstanding finance or residual of any kind.

 The vehicle has not been used as a rental vehicle.

 Any/All accidents have been declared in full to the buyer.

 There are no deliberately hidden faults on this vehicle.

 The vehicle originated in the UK and is not an import.

 Have supplied all spare keys, service manuals and radio/transponder codes.

 At no stage has the vehicle been an insurance “write-off” in any category A, B, C

or D nor has the vehicle been scrapped.

 Have no affiliation with any car dealer company through any means.

 A valid MOT (under 3 years) and verifiable V5 Registration Certificate (copy)

indicating the true mileage of this vehicle is provided with this document.

 The “New Keeper” registration certificate document will be posted to the DVLA

within 3 working days from the sale date indicated on this document.

Seller’s Signature: _____________________ Date: _____/_________/______

I (the buyer) hereby declare the following:

 All personal details are lawfully current and accurate.

 Money paid to the seller is by means of cleared funds or legal cash notes and not

by cheque whether by bank deposit or in person.

 I have not made transfer via any escrow service, western union or money gram.

 There is no overpayment on the full amount whereby I expect a refund.

 Confirm receipt of the “New Keeper Supplement” from the seller’s V5 certificate.

 I am not affiliated with a car buying/selling network or advertising group.

 Accept the above vehicle “as is”, “as seen” and “without warranty”.

 Have verified the history of the vehicle by means of HPI or AA check.

 Viewed the vehicle at a verifiable address. (Not at a parking lot, garage, etc..)

Buyer’s Signature: _____________________ Date: _____/_________/______







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