transfer by agreement form jobactive





transfer by agreement form jobactive

des transfer by agreement form

transfer jobactive provider

transfer provider

des transfer line

max employment


centrelink employment service providers

department of employment customer service line








. Transfers can happen for a range of reasons Participants may transfer between Providers for a range of reasons:  After a change of address·  If all parties agree (transfer by agreement)·  If there has been a relationship failure·  For a change in servicing·  After a long period with the same Provider (Maximum Time Transfers)· Transfers can be automatic or involve a manual process. Some can be initiated by the Participant or the Provider. Automatic transfers, or transfers through the jobactive website, will not happen if the Participant is the subject of a Wage Subsidy Agreement, a Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Agreement or has a current Serious/Level 3 Incident Report and/or a reactive Managed Service Plan (MSP) - See Section 8 - Transfers with a Serious or Level 3 incident report and/or an MSP in place. 2. Participants can be transferred automatically if they change address If a Participant tells Services Australia or their Provider that they have changed their address, and the new address is outside the service area of their current Provider Site, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s (the department’s) IT Systems will automatically transfer them to a new Provider or a different Site. This can include transfer to a Community Development Programme provider if the address is in a remote region. If the Participant’s current Provider has a Site which services their new address, the Participant will be transferred to a new Site of their current Provider. (Deed references: Clause 81.1, 82.2) Participants can request transfer back to their previous Provider Participants who have transferred due to a change of address can request a transfer back to their previous Provider (or Site) if they still live in the same Employment Region serviced by their previous Provider. Participants may also request a transfer back to their NEST Provider if they have moved out of a NEST Region into a neighbouring Region provided the previous Site remains accessible. If a Transition to Work (TtW) Participant has transferred to a Provider and indicates they wish to transfer back to TtW, the Provider should not Commence the Participant as this will make them ineligible for TtW. The Provider should call the National Customer Service Line while the Participant is present and request the Participant be transferred back to their TtW Provider. jobactive guideline Transfers Effective from: 1 July 2020 TRIM ID: D20/724304 Page 4 of 13 (Deed references: Clause 80 - Transfer of Participants from the Provider, Clause 81 - Transfer of Stream Participants from the Provider, Clause 82 – Stream Transfer of Participants to the Provider, Annexure A1- Definitions) 3. Participants can be transferred if all parties agree (transfer by agreement) Participants may transfer to a new Provider if their current Provider, their proposed Provider, and the Participant all agree to the transfer. An online request for a transfer can be initiated by any of the parties. Once a transfer by agreement happens, the department’s IT System alerts both Providers with a noticeboard message. (Deed reference: Clause 81.1(c)) Online requests by Participants A Participant can request an online transfer by agreement on the jobactive website. The request is then sent to the proposed Provider for agreement.  System step: If the proposed Provider agrees, the transfer request is sent to the: Participant's current Provider. If both Providers agree, the Participant is automatically transferred. The current and proposed Providers must action the request for a transfer by agreement within three business days of receiving the request or the request will be automatically declined and the Participant notified in accordance with their nominated notification preference. If either Provider declines the request, the transfer will not be actioned and the Participant will be notified of the reason via a form generated by the department’s IT system. Providers should have processes in place to ensure they approve, or reject, transfer requests within these timeframes. If a Participant is unhappy with a declined transfer request, they can contact the National Customer Service Line. A Customer Service Officer will investigate the matter further and take action where appropriate. Provider initiated requests Either the current or the proposed Provider can request an online transfer by agreement in the department’s IT System using the Transfer by Agreement Form, which is attached to this guideline.  System step: If all parties agree and sign the Transfer by Agreement Form, the: current Provider must enter the details into the department's IT Systems to action the transfer. The current Provider must retain a copy of the signed form as documentary evidence. Where either the current or the proposed Provider declines the transfer request, all parties will be advised via the department’s IT system . Transfers can happen for a range of reasons

Participants may transfer between Providers for a range of reasons:

 After a change of address

 If all parties agree (transfer by agreement)

 If there has been a relationship failure

 For a change in servicing

 After a long period with the same Provider (Maximum Time Transfers)

Transfers can be automatic or involve a manual process. Some can be initiated by

the Participant or the Provider.

Automatic transfers, or transfers through the jobactive website, will not happen if

the Participant is the subject of a Wage Subsidy Agreement, a Relocation Assistance

to Take Up a Job Agreement or has a current Serious/Level 3 Incident Report and/or

a reactive Managed Service Plan (MSP) - See Section 8 - Transfers with a Serious or

Level 3 incident report and/or an MSP in place.

2. Participants can be transferred automatically if they change


If a Participant tells Services Australia or their Provider that they have changed their

address, and the new address is outside the service area of their current Provider

Site, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s (the department’s) IT

Systems will automatically transfer them to a new Provider or a different Site. This

can include transfer to a Community Development Programme provider if the

address is in a remote region.

If the Participant’s current Provider has a Site which services their new address, the

Participant will be transferred to a new Site of their current Provider.

(Deed references: Clause 81.1, 82.2)

Participants can request transfer back to their previous Provider

Participants who have transferred due to a change of address can request a transfer

back to their previous Provider (or Site) if they still live in the same Employment

Region serviced by their previous Provider.

Participants may also request a transfer back to their NEST Provider if they have

moved out of a NEST Region into a neighbouring Region provided the previous Site

remains accessible.

If a Transition to Work (TtW) Participant has transferred to a Provider and indicates

they wish to transfer back to TtW, the Provider should not Commence the

Participant as this will make them ineligible for TtW. The Provider should call the

National Customer Service Line while the Participant is present and request the

Participant be transferred back to their TtW Provider.

jobactive guideline Transfers

Effective from: 1 July 2020 TRIM ID: D20/724304 Page 4 of 13

(Deed references: Clause 80 - Transfer of Participants from the Provider, Clause 81 - Transfer of

Stream Participants from the Provider, Clause 82 – Stream Transfer of Participants to the

Provider, Annexure A1- Definitions)

3. Participants can be transferred if all parties agree (transfer by


Participants may transfer to a new Provider if their current Provider, their proposed

Provider, and the Participant all agree to the transfer.

An online request for a transfer can be initiated by any of the parties.

Once a transfer by agreement happens, the department’s IT System alerts both

Providers with a noticeboard message.

(Deed reference: Clause 81.1(c))

Online requests by Participants

A Participant can request an online transfer by agreement on the jobactive website.

The request is then sent to the proposed Provider for agreement.

 System step: If the proposed Provider agrees, the transfer request is sent to the

Participant's current Provider. If both Providers agree, the Participant is

automatically transferred.

The current and proposed Providers must action the request for a transfer by

agreement within three business days of receiving the request or the request will be

automatically declined and the Participant notified in accordance with their

nominated notification preference.

If either Provider declines the request, the transfer will not be actioned and the

Participant will be notified of the reason via a form generated by the department’s IT


Providers should have processes in place to ensure they approve, or reject, transfer

requests within these timeframes.

If a Participant is unhappy with a declined transfer request, they can contact the

National Customer Service Line. A Customer Service Officer will investigate the

matter further and take action where appropriate.

Provider initiated requests

Either the current or the proposed Provider can request an online transfer by

agreement in the department’s IT System using the Transfer by Agreement Form,

which is attached to this guideline.

 System step: If all parties agree and sign the Transfer by Agreement Form, the

current Provider must enter the details into the department's IT Systems to action

the transfer. The current Provider must retain a copy of the signed form as

documentary evidence.

Where either the current or the proposed Provider declines the transfer request, all

parties will be advised via the department’s IT system




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