sensible staffing timesheet







Working hours:








Date Booking Ref Start Time Finish Time Break Overtime Worked


On Call




Total Hours

Daily Authorised Signature for Worked Hours


Agency Worker


x Date:

Agency Worker declaration: I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete and that I have not claimed elsewhere for the

hours/shifts detailed on this timesheet. I understand that if I knowingly provide false information this may result in disciplinary action and I may be liable

to prosecution and civil recovery proceedings. I consent to the disclosure of information from this form to and by the NHS body and the NHS CFSMS for the

purpose of veri­cation of this claim and the investigation, prevention, detection and prosecution of fraud. I declare that I am ­t to work & that I will

promptly inform the Company if this does or is likely to change. I have received an induction and orientation by the Client for this assignment, including

details of any onsite health & safety requirements and I have access to personal protective equipment. I con­rm that I have not worked for this Client via

another employment business within the previous twelve calendar weeks and that I am responsible for monitoring my hours of work in relation to the

Working Time Regulations. I have read, understood and agree to the Terms of Engagement supplied to me by the Company.

Agency Worker Details:




Speciality: Placement Code:

Client Name:

Client Site:

Client Dept:

experts in healthcare recruitment

Weekly Hours Authorised by the Client: CLIENT SECTION ONLY

Placement assessment. Please as


Clinical skills in line with needs of position

Relationships with patients & sta­


Managing workload


Communication skills

Supervisory skills

Organisational ability

Sickness/absence record

Overall clinical & professionals performance

N/A Unsatisfactory Borderline Satisfactory Good Excellent

Client declaration: I am an authorised signatory for my ward/department/Company/NHS body. I am signing to con­rm that the

Job Title and Band (where applicable) of the Agency Worker and the hours/shift that I am authorising are accurate and I

approve payment. I understand that if I knowingly provide false information this may result in disciplinary action and I

may be liable to prosecution and civil recovery proceedings. I consent to the disclosure of information from this form to and

by the NHS body and the NHS CFSMS in England for the purpose of veri­cation of this claim and the investigation, prevention,

detection and prosecution of fraud. I acknowledge that the standard terms of business or other terms of business as stated on

the Con­rmation of Booking have been made available to me and are accepted and that an introduction fee may be chargeable

should a transfer of the Agency Worker either to direct/permanent employment or engagement by a third party occur.

NHS Fraud & Corruption Line: Any questionable timesheet must be immediately brought to the attention of the Local Counter

Fraud Specialist or you must report any case of fraud in con­dence to the NHS Fraud and Corruption Reporting Line on 0800

028 4060 (within England) or 0800 015 1628 (within Scotland).

Print Name:

Client Signature: x



On completion, please fax to: 0208 364 9966 or email to: timesheets@sensible-sta‑ Page 1 of 1






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