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Comprehensive cover

Example 1 – Repairing your car

Your car is damaged as a result of an accident on the public highway, whilst you and your family

were on your way home from the football. Your car is not driveable at the scene of the accident.

Your tennis racquet and other personal effects were in the boot of your car and are damaged beyond

repair, their replacement cost being a total of $500.

You arrange for your car to be towed to our claims assessment centre which costs $280 and a taxi

to your home address which costs $180.

The quote to repair your car is $3,000. Your total excess is $600 and you have the Hire Car option

noted on your certificate.

We pay the towing company invoice $280

We pay you the cost of your taxi fare $180

We pay you the cost to replace your tennis racquet and personal effects $500

You pay the repairer the amount of your excess $600

We pay the repairer the cost to repair your car less the amount of your excess $2,400

We arrange for a Hire Car for you whilst your car is being repaired (being 10 days)

We pay the hire car company


Example 2 – Total loss - Agreed Value Policy

Your car is very badly damaged as a result of an accident that involved you hitting a tree. Your car is

3 years old and therefore doesn’t qualify for the ‘New car replacement’. We decide that your car is a

total loss given the extent of its damage.

You arranged for your car to be towed to our claims assessment centre, which costs $280 and you

arrange for a taxi to your home address which costs $100.

The agreed value of your car as shown on your certificate is $17,900. Your total excess is $600.

We pay the towing company $280

We pay you the cost of your taxi fare $100

We pay you the agreed value of your car less your excess of $600 $17,300

Once we settle the claim, all cover on the car stops, your policy is cancelled and there is no refund of

the unused premium. The salvage becomes our property and we are entitled to keep the proceeds of

its sale. This does not affect the amount we pay you.


Example 3 – Total loss - Market Value Policy

Your car is damaged by hail during a severe storm whilst you and your family are on holiday.

As you are more than 150 kilometres away from your place of residence you arrange emergency

accommodation at the nearest motel for a cost of $480. We decide it is a total loss since it is

uneconomical to repair.

You arranged for your car to be towed to our claims assessment centre, and the towing company

invoices you for $280.

We calculate the current market value of your car as $14,700, taking into account the accessories or

modifications we have agreed to insure, the age, make, model, kilometres travelled and condition of

your car.

You are paying your premium by monthly instalments. This means we deduct the value of your

remaining unpaid instalments, from what would have been your full period of cover, from the total

loss settlement. In this case we deduct $165, as you had three unpaid instalments, of $55 per month,


Your total excess is $600 and you have not chosen or paid for the Hire Car option.

We pay the towing company $280

We pay you the cost of your emergency accommodation $480

We pay you the balance of the market value of your car less your excess

of $600 and less your remaining instalments of $165


Once we settle the claim, all cover on the car stops, your policy is cancelled and there is no refund of

the unused premium. The salvage becomes our property and we are entitled to keep the proceeds of

its sale. This does not affect the amount we pay you.

Example 4 – New Car Replacement - Agreed or Market Value

Your car is damaged as a result of an accident that was your fault, and we decide it is a total loss

since it is unsafe to repair.

Your car was less than 2 years old. The cost to replace your car with a new car of the same make

and model including similar accessories, tools, spare parts, stamp duty and dealer delivery charges

applicable is $37,990.

Your total excess is $600.

You pay us your excess of $600

We pay the cost to replace your car directly to the car dealer $37,990

Once we settle the claim, all cover on the car stops, your policy is cancelled and there is no refund of

the unused premium. The salvage becomes our property and we are entitled to keep the proceeds of

its sale. This does not affect the amount we pay you.






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