a joule is equivalent to a






1 joule is equal to how many calories 0.239006

joule formula


joule is the unit of


1 joule is equal to how many ergs


joule to watt


1 joule is equal to how many calories


joule if unites


1 joule definition


unit of energy






1 joule is equal to how many calories 0.239006




1 joule is equal 0.239006 calories






 1 kg m 2 s −2  

A joule is also the energy supplied by a power of 1 watt for one second. 



Other energy units can be expressed in joules :


     the calorie : 1 cal = 4.185 5 joules ;      

     the therm 1 therm = 4 185 500 joules. the therm is worth 1 million calories ;         

     the kilowatt hour 1 kWh = 3 600 000 J. The kilowatt hour is the energy supplied by a power of one kilowatt for one hour ;            

     The watt second : 1 Ws = 1 joule.   

     The kilogrammeter : 1 kilogrammeter = 9.806 65 joules   

One joule is exactly :


     10 7 ergs ; 

     1 pascal - cubic meter.

One joule is approximately equal to :


     6.241 506 363 09 × 10 18 eV ( electronvolts ) ;     

     9.869 2 × 10 −3 liter- atmosphere .  



1 calorie


= 4.185 5 J 


1 joule


= 0.238 9 calories  


1 therm


= 4.185 5 MJ 


1 joule


= 2.389 × 10 −7 therm 


1 kWh


= 3 600 000 J  


1 joule


= 2.778 × 10 −7 kWh 


1 Ws


= 1 J


1 joule


= 1 Ws


1 erg


= 10 −7 J


1 joule


= 10 7 ergs


1 Pa m 3 


= 1 J


1 joule


= 1 Pa m 3 


1 eV


= 1.602 177 33 × 10 −19 J   


1 joule


= 6,241 506 363 09 × 10 18 eV     


Multiples and submultiples

In practice, only multiples and submultiples of a thousand to thousand are used (prefixes milli , micro , nano , etc. for submultiples, kilo , mega , giga , etc. for multiples).         



millijoule : 1 mJ = 10 −3 J   

     microjoule : 1 µJ = 10 −6 J   

     nanojoule : 1 nJ = 10 −9 J   

Multiple |

     kilojoule : 1 kJ = 10 3 J   

     megajoule : 1 MJ = 10 6 J    

     gigajoule : 1 GJ = 10 9 J   

     terajoule : 1 TJ = 10 12 J   

     petajoule : 1 PJ = 10 15 J   

     exajoule : 1 EJ = 10 18 J   

Terajoule, petajoule and exajoule are often used in brochures relating to national or global energy consumption :


     1 TJ = 0.277 8 GWh   

     1 PJ = 0.277 8 TWh   

     1 EJ = 0.277 8 PWh = 277.8 TWh = 0.947 PBtu (or quadrillion Btu ) = 23.884 Mtep           

In everyday life

In everyday life and approximately :


     1 joule : 

               the energy required to lift an object weighing 100 grams by one meter in the earth's gravity field ; 

               the energy required to raise the temperature of one gram (one liter) of dry air by one degree Celsius .

     4.18 joules : 

               the energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 ° C.

     1 000 joules :  

               the amount of heat given off in ten seconds by a person at rest ;

               the energy needed for a 30 kg child to climb 3.40 m  

               the energy consumed by a Google query 5 .

     1 megajoule (one million joules) : 

               16.7 minutes of heating by a 1000 W heater .  







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