The Natural Method and Basic Training.


The physical education session normally takes place on a free space, substantially flat, of variable dimensions, called the "plateau", and which must be as much as possible, arranged (track, gantry, jumpers, beams, etc. .). It can also take place in varied terrain.

The performers will be in special clothing : for boys, swimsuit (shirtless if the season permits, sweater in cold weather), breeches, sandals; for girls, tunic or jacket, breeches and sandals. This dress, imposed in the same way as books, notebooks, school supplies, must be tightened uniform in each school as soon as circumstances allow.

We will distinguish:

The Physical Education Lesson :

a) Complete lesson on landscaped grounds;

b) Varied Course Lesson;

c) Reduced lesson, on Stage or in Room

The Study Session.



Without imposing, for the lesson, a single device, it is recommended that the teachers distribute, on the "plateau", the pupils in groups called "waves", each wave being constituted by pupils of approximately equal strength.

We only recall here the most important technical or educational rules.

" A training session is a course or a more or less long journey, during which we walk, we run, we jump, we progress in quadrupedics, we climb or we climb, we walk in unstable balance, we lift and we carry , we throw, we fight, we swim [8] ”.

The lesson must be progressive, continuous, measured, alternating.

It must be progressive , the effort reaching its maximum between two thirds and three quarters of the total duration of the lesson, and then gradually decreasing in intensity.

It must be continuous , that is - to - say proceed without stopping, which should not forget the need to constantly correct and carefully performing exercises.

It must be dosed , which means that the nature and intensity of the exercises must be adapted to the physical state of the students and to the atmospheric conditions.

Finally, it must include an alternation between the times of effort and those of relaxation. Exercises that get breathless will alternate with exercises that allow you to catch your breath; strength exercises with relaxation and flexibility exercises.

The lesson begins with a warm-up in the form of the “flight” which is followed by flexibility and coordination exercises performed while walking or running, or juggling and light throws. Then come the quadrupedic exercises, climbing, jumping, balancing, throwing, lifting, attacking, defending, running, walking, swimming.

It is necessary that all general training lessons include groups of exercises with the most important ground action (walking, running, jumping), skill movements (throwing, juggling or balancing) and some movements requiring more intense muscular efforts (climbing, lifting, carrying, attack and defense).


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