Sports Initiation and Training


The sports initiation sessions are devoted to the methodical study of sports gestures[10] . It must be considered that if certain sports, such as walking, running, swimming (breaststroke), cycling, etc., make the best use of the symmetrical arrangement of the nervous system, are relatively technically simple, others, on the contrary, jumps, throws, apparatus, boxing, horsemanship, tennis, football, etc., are of a complicated technique, which the best athletes do not always possess.

In all sports, and more particularly in sports with complex technique, success depends not only on good bodily development, but also on perfect knowledge of useful movements and efforts.

Sports initiation includes:

1 ° Study sessions preparing for the practice of individual sports;

2 ° Study sessions preparing - for the practice of team sports;

3 ° Training sessions.

Any study or sports training session must begin, like general physical education sessions, with a " warm-up " intended to " loosen up " the body and prepare the different parts of the body for more effort. or less intense which they will have to provide.   

During this warm-up, which must be gradual in intensity and, when possible, in difficulty, we try to develop the qualities necessary for athletes : speed, relaxation, skill, flexibility.


To this end we execute :             

- general preparatory exercises ;

- special preparatory exercises.

These exercises vary according to the sport studied.

In general preparatory exercises, we seek above all an effect of muscle elongation and joint flexibility; sometimes we also propose to exert an action on muscle development.

In order to actively engage the nervous, articular and muscular systems, under conditions similar to those required for sports, the pace of these exercises is generally rapid.

However, the exercise is most often performed in two phases:

- preparation at a slow pace (alternating muscle relaxation and concentration) ;          

- strong reaction in the opposite direction.        

During these exercises, breathing is, as far as possible, combined with the effort required, inspiration being done at the same time as the work in extension, the expiration occurring with the work in flexion.

              The special preparatory exercises obtained by breaking down the sporting gesture into its essential elements, make it easier to learn the technique, and, by perfecting the coordination of movements, to perform it with more ease, speed or vigor, and precision.

These exercises, practiced methodically and in a well-considered progression, are the basis of the acquisition of " style ". 


During study sessions preparing for team sports, the future team member will learn the elements of the game and the technique of gestures. It will acquire, for example, controlling the reception and pass the ball, the address in the launch to cart (basket - ball), controlling the ball control and execution of kicks and head (football), etc.

This methodical learning is essential to become a good player.


The aim of the training sessions is to familiarize the student with the actual practice of sport. They will have to be carried out with all the greater caution as it concerns younger subjects. Care should be taken to ensure that children and especially adolescents (pubertal and pre - pubertal period) do not engage in efforts likely to generate excessive fatigue and quickly lead them to overwork, if they are added to already excessive intellectual fatigue.

During training sessions for team sports, a large place will be given to tactical studies indoors or on the field, in order to develop in the players, with a deeper understanding of the game, the spirit of method and organization. .

Sports initiation begins around ten years old. It gradually brings the children to the practice of athletics, apparatus and sports games. The sport school is exercised under the control of their masters to ten - eight. Educators should not lose sight of the fact that, while there is every advantage in introducing the child to sporting activities early, competitions which require violent and prolonged efforts should not take place until quite late.

For the practice of sports activities, children and adolescents must be divided, according to their age, into several categories[11] .

At school and outside school, teachers must ensure that meetings only take place between subjects of the same category and ensure that children do not overwhelm their strength under the effect of emulation. .

As much as bright subjects, late students will gain attention. The physical progress sheet periodically mentions the results achieved for each pupil over the age of ten: it thus constitutes a permanent stimulus for the child, and for the teacher, parents and doctor a precious document.


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