Between joggers-cyclists and dogs, it is a sometimes difficult , even dangerous, cohabitation . So what behavior to adopt?


If these dog / bike encounters are often more frequent on mountain bikes on forest or mountain paths, this does not prevent us, road cyclists, from being a reality and a potential danger . However, you have certainly noticed that discipline is not always present among these four-legged companions:


                           either they are free and do not obey (and if we dare to say something to the dog, we get yelled at by the owner ...)

                           or they are attached to an extendable leash and often they are on one side of the road and the owner on the other ... with the leash that cuts our way !

Well, sometimes it is also necessary that the discipline comes sometimes from the cyclist: not to rush headlong and berate the owner in passing!



2 anecdotes


1. WHAT BEHAVIOR TO ADOPT IN FRONT OF A DOG?                      

There are generally 2 major dangers:


a) THE KIND DOG                      

... but which risks cutting us off and causing us to fall:


In these cases anticipate by slowing down a lot , call out to the owner by shouting an “excuse me” if he has not seen me and observe the dog carefully:


                           If the owner has a little savvy, he will understand the danger and call his dog to him, or even hold him while I pass

                           If the owner does nothing , stop outright and ask kindly if he can call his dog back

In any case, always say  thank you to the owner - with a smile, be polite and understanding , maybe for the next cyclist he will have the reflex to control his dog.


B) THE AGGRESSIVE DOG                     

... who chases us barking to jump against us, or even bite us : Alarming


signs :


Before attacking, the dog is stretched out, ears straight and tail high. In 45% of the cases at least, he will have kept you informed by his grunts .

C) Before the attack                      

Dogs are smarter and more courageous than sharks , so responding aggressively is not necessarily the solution. But certain principles remain: Do not behave like a victim, already.

                     Don't run, he goes faster than you and you would prove him right to think of you as a giant steak.

                     Back up very slowly and walk away . You can try side steps.

                     If you can't get away, crouch . Don't show your hands.

                     Never turn your back on the dog who will prefer to attack you from behind

                     Keep your hands at your sides so as not to be aggressive,

                     Speak slowly and calmly . Out of pity, avoid shouting with a shrill voice.

                     Don't look him in the eye, it's a defiant attitude . Orient the face slightly to the side .

                     Do not smile , I read somewhere that in a dog it is called "showing the teeth"

                     Climb to a height, where it will have a hard time finding you.

                     Place an object, obstacles between you and the dog to break the attack line (an open umbrella can be very effective).

                     Call the master , who is probably not that far away.

D) ARM YOURSELF:                     

                     If in trouble, arm yourself with a stick . The bigger the dog, the more you can pray that he bites the stick rather than you,

                     the pepper spray is an option that sometimes gives good results (but it varies by race)

                     use the taser , the noise of which alone can possibly frighten the dog (without forgetting that if the dog touches you, you will both electrocute each other by pressing the button. The idea is not necessarily "Bright")

                     if you wish, equip yourself with a Dazer- type ultrasonic whistle which will be able to help you in most cases, but will probably be ineffective against an attack dog,

                     open an umbrella , hold it open in front of you like a shield

                     if you don't have anything on hand, a sweater around your left arm (if you're right-handed) might come in handy as a shield / bite bait,

E) FOR THE BRAVEST                      

The next method ( showing dominance ) works if you think you will have the upper hand over the dog anyway , and he suspects it too. Remember that if you do it wrong or if the animal is cornered and cannot flee, you may be pushing it to attack you.

                     Look him in the eye,

                     take a step forward,

                     in a deep, firm and strong voice, say "stop" or "no" or whatever will correspond best according to the language of the possible trainer,

                     if you master the martial arts, take the fighting stance you master the best, hands well forward,

                     show your palms, ready to defend or attack





Beating yourself may increase the dog's aggressiveness , at least initially. If you are not sure of yourself, you can go straight to it , the method is often effective. Prefer penetrating weapons (knives) to blunt weapons (club type) which give little results. For the most part, fighting tips aren't worth much when dealing with a dog trained to attack, if so focus on the art of avoiding trouble.

Beware of dogs in numbers : the pack has the same effect on dogs as it does on football fans, and your chances are greatly reduced. But if you get to inability er quickly the alpha male, you can hope to impress the whole group.


                     Protect your face and your throat, which are the targets of the mastiff (The poodle will remain centered on your socks). Use an object or your left arm if necessary (if you are right-handed) to get his attention and his bites.

                     Once bitten, do not try to struggle because this is the situation that will create the most serious injuries, the teeth of the mastiff can tear the flesh.

                     Save your movements and instead try to stifle him or stop his breath . Also aim for the eyes .

                     When you are grabbed, strike the dog's nose with your free hand. But remember that during combat attack dogs are almost insensitive to pain: most of the other parts of their anatomy are not very sensitive.

                     If the dog has taken your arm in its mouth, push it as much as possible into its throat to reduce jaw pressure.



I have only one wish to make 'Good luck'


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