Malignant mesothelioma in Hong Kong
Summary Malignant mesothelioma (mesothelioma) is rare. We conducted the first
systematic study of the epidemiology of mesothelioma in Hong Kong from 1988 to
May 2002 by reviewing medical records.
Mesothelioma patients were identified from the database of 12 out of 20 hospitals
that would have admitted mesothelioma patients territory-wide. These 12 hospitals
served 73% of the total hospital bed-years of the 20 hospitals.
We identified 67 mesothelioma patients. The estimated annual incidence was one
per million, which was similar to the background incidence of one to two per million
among Caucasians. Occupational history was available in 43 subjects. Three quarters
of mesothelioma patients with available occupational history had occupational
asbestos exposure.
Restricting analysis to 48 patients with accessible medical records and using 67
occupational asbestosis patients for comparison, the epidemiology of mesothelioma
in Hong Kong shares similarities with the literature: mean age of 63 years upon
diagnosis, mean latency of 46 years, median survival of 9.5 months, male
predominance, selective presentation among women, high prevalence among
workers in ships and dockyards, predominantly epithelioid type, lower prevalence
of asbestos bodies, and negative association with pleural plaques.
Asbestos consumption in Hong Kong rose in the 1970s and peaked in early 1980s
and late 1990s. Hong Kong may encounter an epidemic of mesothelioma in the 2010s
if effective occupational asbestos control measures are not in place.
& 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0954-6111/$ - see front matter & 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
$The authors have neither received any financial support for this study nor been involved with any organization with financial
interest in the subject matter. Corresponding author. Yaumatei Chest Clinic, 2/F, Yaumatei Jockey Club Polyclinic, 145, Battery Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR,
China. Tel.: +852 23885939; fax: +852 23743575.
E-mail addresses:, (K.C. Chang). 1
On behalf of the Hong Kong Thoracic society
Malignant mesothelioma (mesothelioma) arises
from mesothelial cells. The plasticity of mesothelial
cells gives rise to three histological types:
epithelioid, sarcomatoid and biphasic. The epithelioid
type is the most common, with reported
prevalence of 60–70% in most series.1
Approximately 80% of mesothelioma cases had
past asbestos exposure.2 Wagner presented the first
piece of evidence implicating asbestos in the
pathogenesis of mesothelioma in a study of South
African miners in 1960.3 Other implicated causes of
mesothelioma include simian virus-40 (SV40),4
radiotherapy or thorium dioxide use,5,6 erionite
fibres,7 chronic pleural inflammation,8 and chemical
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