domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks case-control study
Section Page
Executive summary ix
1 Introduction 1
2 Methods 3
2.1 Study design 3
2.2 Case and control ascertainment and data collection 3
2.3 Statistical methods 4
3 Results 9
3.1 Recruitment 9
3.2 Occupational exposure 14
3.3 Low exposure analysis 33
3.4 Summary analyses of all subjects 38
4 Discussion 43
4.1 Occupational exposure 43
4.2 Low-risk occupations 44
4.3 Non-occupational exposure 44
4.4 Background incidence rate 44
4.5 Latency, period of exposure and future trends 45
4.6 Risks to carpenters in the UK and elsewhere 46
4.7 Contribution of amosite to UK mesothelioma incidence 46
4.8 Speculations on the contribution of chrysotile 47
4.9 Current asbestos hazards 48
5 References 49
6 Appendix tables 53
Figure 3.2.1 Proportion of all men reporting asbestos exposure by
year started job 29
Table 2.3.1 Highest mesothelioma proportional mortality ratios
(PMRs) for males aged 16-74 in Great Britain, 1991-2000 5
Table 2.3.2 Classification of job categories with average national
mesothelioma PMRs 6
Table 3.1.1 Study recruitment 10
Table 3.1.2 Source of mesothelioma and lung cancer case notification 11
Table 3.1.3 Response rates by deprivation 11
Table 3.1.4 Grounds of diagnosis of interviewed mesothelioma cases 12
Table 3.1.5 Median (and range) of age at interview 12
Table 3.1.6 Residential region at interview 13
Table 3.2.1 Interviewed mesothelioma cases and controls by
job category, year of birth and sex 17
Table 3.2.2 Numbers of mesothelioma cases and controls who
worked for at least 5 years in various occupations 18
Table 3.2.3 Odds ratios for males by age started work and total
duration in high or medium risk occupations and in carpentry 22
Table 3.2.4 Odds ratios for males by duration of employment in high
or medium risk occupations and in carpentry before and after age 30 22
Table 3.2.5 Odds ratios for males by weighted duration in high or
medium risk occupations before and after age 30 23
Table 3.2.6 Job category and reported asbestos exposure in all men
before age 30 24
Tables 3.2.7 a-g Reported contact with AIB, lagging and/or sprayed
coatings before age 30 by job duration for each job category 26
Table 3.2.8 Type of reported direct (self) contact with AIB, lagging
and/or sprayed coatings before age 30 by job category 28
Table 3.2.9 Numbers of male mesothelioma cases and controls by
last job before interview and year of birth 30
Table 3.2.10 Main occupation while aged under 30 by last job
before interview - all men 32
Table 3.3.1 Low risk occupational groups and reported asbestos
exposure at work 33
Table 3.3.2 Univariate analysis of other reported occupational asbestos
exposures before age 30 among men and women in low risk jobs 34
Table 3.3.3 Univariate analysis of DIY exposures among men and
women in low risk jobs 34
Table 3.3.4 Univariate analysis of reported domestic exposures a
mong men and women in low risk jobs 35
Table 3.3.5 Univariate analysis of residential exposures among men
and women in low risk jobs 36
Table 3.3.6 Univariate analysis of smoking among men and women
in low risk jobs and in all subjects 37
Table 3.4.1 Univariate analysis of reported domestic exposures
among all subjects 39
Table 3.4.2 Mesothelioma cases in men and women attributed to
asbestos exposure in each exposure category 40
Table 3.4.3 Male cases and controls born in 1950 or later who began work
in 1970 or later, and numbers of cases attributed to asbestos exposure 41
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